Why no screen credit for Josh Charles?

This is actually something I've wondered a lot -- there are all kindsa movies out there where some actor or another will show up, sometimes for just a cameo, other times for a good chunck o time, but get no mention in the credits. (I think the most famous example of this was when Michael Jackson voiced a Simpsons episode -- or was I the victim of a hoax there?) They usually DO show up on the IMDB credits, listed as "uncredited."
Now these people would not do something without a good reason. So...
I've noticed that people on this board know a LOT about the movies, the industry, etc -- can somebody take pity on this poor ignorant newbie and explain why that is? Is it one universal reason, or is there maybe a separate reason for each actor/actress each time it happens?
Thank youall very much in advance.



Sometimes it's at the request of the actor like James Earl Jones in Star Wars. He wasn't originally in the credits because he felt he didn't contribute enough (he only worked two days after principal shooting was complete). He was added to subsequent prints after the film did so well.

Sometimes it's pettiness like Judson Scott in Star Trek II. He demanded he be listed with the main stars or not be listed at all. It was foolish of him to offer the studio an easy out. He has not been added to subsequent prints.

Sometimes it's union rules. Local extras, even those with speaking parts, are often uncredited for not being in the union. Jaws had almost 40 uncredited local "actors", some with significant roles. Most of the people in the room when Quint scratches the blackboard, those kids with the fake shark fin, etc.

Sometimes it's sheer brilliance like Kevin Spacey in Se7en. He didn't want his name in the opening credits so his character's identity would be a surprise. They listed him first in the closing credits to make up for it.

Sometimes it's just for fun like Brendon Fraser in In The Army Now starring Pauley Shore. The two of them starred in Encino Man and Fraser had a cameo as Link, the character he played in Encino Man.

Those are just some of the reasons, but there usually is a reason.
