Audio on Netflix streaming is terrible

I absolutely hated this movie. When I came to this board, I was surprised to see people saying it had great dialogue. I couldn't make out most of it because it came across as mumbles and whispers compared to how achingly loud all the music and sound effects were. It just came across as a bad mix. I could turn it up extremely loud in order to hear what people were saying, but then a gunshot or music would blast out of the speakers. I have never had this problem with other streaming Netflix movies. Was the audio transfer bad or was it mixed terribly to begin with? I have to wonder if I would have enjoyed the movie more if I could have made out more of the dialogue.


Yea I had the same problem. They were literally mumbling throughout the movie That's why I decided to buy it on so I could turn on the subtitles to hear what they were saying.

I'm Batman!


Same problem here. They are like mumbling and the sound effects are way too loud.

S you in your A's Don't wear a C and J all over your B's


Just started watching on Netflix. The video is now HD and audio is much improved.


netflix is just terrible now anyway

they basically GAVE AWAY hundreds of thousands of rare expensive oop discs and criterion discs to douchebags who "lost them in the mail" and then their streaming site is embarassing, one time i watched a movie and it was just the special features streaming on netflix. how does this happen?!

anyway i love the site cuz i have 900 reivews on their, my reviewer rank was 12 for a long time, and i watched the corndog man on there. so i rule.

Shuji Terayama forever.
