MovieChat Forums > Theodore Rex (1995) Discussion > Howard the Duck vs. Theodore Rex. Fight!

Howard the Duck vs. Theodore Rex. Fight!

Which movie is worse? Discuss amongst yourselves.


Theodore Rex is faaaaar faaaaar worse. There's essentially nothing redeemable about it. Watching Whoopi attempt to "act" onscreen while clearly showing disdain for the role she was contractually forced to play is like watching the cinematic acting equivalent of rape.

Add to that the horrid dialog, sets, 27 (I counted) tail whacking jokes, it's just so insipid that it literally made me sick to my stomach to watch it. Yet I did watch it in its entirety with a room full of film geeks, just to see how bad it truly was.

Howard the Duck has lots of lame stuff going for it, especially in the latter half of the film, but has enough fun 80s cheese, and its "heart" is kind of in the right place, if that makes any sense. At least you get a hot Lea Thompson (who seems genuinely into her role), and far better animatronics than Theodore Rex.

Theodore Rex blows such rancid chunks, I can hardly believe that multiple Oscar winners/nominees were in any way shape or form involved in it (Whoopi, Armin Mueller-Stahl, etc). Hot damn, how it sucks.

The director should be banned from Hollywood (and looking at his resume, he has been)... and after making this film, Whoopi has no place wah wah wah crying that she was omitted from the Oscar host montage sequence. Boo hoo freakin' hoo.




Howard the Duck has some redeeming qualities. From what I saw of Theodore Rex (just about 5 minutes on TV tonight) I can't imagine how you could even compare the two.


Theodore Rex is a much worse movie, but sadly, Howard the Duck's name is so synonymous with cinematic misfire that people still remember it (or more specifically, it's negative reputation) more than 20 years later, whereas if you ask a common person on the street, odds are they never even heard of Theodore Rex.

Theodore Rex is a sad, forgotten movie that is known only by bad movie lovers.


Theodore Rex is totally worse!!!!

I like Howard the Duck and have watched it several times! As for Theodore Rex...... well last summer I purchased this film at a flea market for 25 cents and made a goal to watch it was summer.........well it's been almost a year and out of the 3 times I popped it in my VCR, I end up falling asleep !
