MovieChat Forums > Theodore Rex (1995) Discussion > NC review and my thoughts

NC review and my thoughts

I didn't see the film and I DON'T plan on seeing the film even if it is so godawful it's worth seeing it once. No wonder Whoopi isn't doing any acting work anymore and has gone to the view because she makes awful script decsions to waste her otherwise very good acting talents.

The review though is pretty predictable but I did like the intro with the A- list stars teaming up with recent at-the-moment fads though LOL.

The film: N/A out of 10
The review: 5.5. out of 10

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


as I mentioned in this thread I had seen this movie as a kid, but it was so bad I remembered pretty much nothing about it

come visit my review blog!



As a kid I was obsessed with dinosaurs (nowadays it's dragons, which aren't very different) and this was one of the films I picked up. I remember not liking it back then.

And though I didn't remember much of the movie, I guess it kind of killed NC's review for me, though I did enjoy some of the other reviews he did that I had seen the movie of.

Oh, and I was expecting a Mothra joke about the talking caterpillar, but I figured when he didn't do it, it was only obvious to me since I watch Godzilla movies.

Ryan Reynold is The Merc with the Mouth.

I support Team Buffy.


"nowadays it's dragons, which aren't very different"
Huh??!! not any difference?? Um, one is real, and uh, the other isn't??


People doing reviews of reviews?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



I bet you are a nice guy and everything, but posting reviews of reviews is just a waste of everyone's time.


Looks like everybody and there brother are doing reviews now, like half the
replies on the thread, notice all there tags/signatures are advertisements
for their review. At least the NC(TGWTG) or James at are
well done an amusing.
