MovieChat Forums > Tank Girl (1995) Discussion > any other movies like this?

any other movies like this?

while this movie is only for some peoples tastes... I kinda liked it. Not the acting or action or anything. But the world and lore. Kinda got a feeling like I did watching the 5th element. Are there any more movies like this?


I saw the trailer for this movie back in 1995. It was on a VHS tape I rented from BlockBuster. I saw that trailer but never did see the movie. So for the next ten years, I guess you could say, I made up the rest of the movie in my head based on what I had seen in the trailer. Then when I finally saw the movie. It really wasn't what I was expecting. I wasn't sure if it was just me or not but then when I saw how much everyone else seemed to hate it. I realized maybe I wasn't alone in being a little disappointed. I tried to like the movie. I even watched it a second time but ended up turning it off. I think there's a name for what happened to me. It's called the Boba Fette effect. You know how Boba Fette was only in the first 3 star wars movies for about 5 minutes? But at the same time he's everyone's favorite character. You know why that is? It's the Boba Fette effect. You know nothing about this character. So you take all those cool things you imagine inside your head and apply them to the character. That's what I did with this movie. I only had bits and pieces from the tailer. I made up this cool movie in my head. Then when I got to see the real thing. It was nothing like it. I guess what I'm finally getting at is. If there is another movie like this out there. I'd like to hear about it because I'd like to see it. Hopefully it will be a little better than this one. This one had potential and I guess some parts weren't all bad. But, it would be cool to see something similar yet better.



*Oh look, a troll* Get beck under your fecking bridge, you wee gob5hite.


The Road Warrior

