
why did he shoot her? could he not have done it?

i have seen it several times, but it's been a while. then i just caught the ending again on sundance channel and it made me wonder.

i see him resigning to accept his fate in the film world (his status/fate under buddy)

i ask you, could he have come to this realization in the torture scene, and yet STILL let dawn live? i don't see why 'getting what he wanted' meant shooting her.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

confused, please help. thks

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


I think that even though Guy may have been denying it, Guy truly wanted to have a Hollywood career. Buddy represents the Hollywood career, whereas Dawn is symbolic of love.

I remember sometime in the first half, when Dawn and Guy are drinking, Dawn (almost prophetically), tells him that romantic relationships don't work out in Hollywood.

So it was an ultimate choice to him---love or career, and he took career.


i remember that conversation.

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


You're forgetting a very VERY important piece of the puzzle here:

If Guy HAD shot Buddy instead of Dawn, how would they explain his death to the police? One or both of their lives would be ruined. Guy's life would be totally over. So the way I see it, he made the only choice he possibly could have and shot Dawn. I think it had nothing to do with love...Im sure he hated doing it.

But he got what he wanted.


She also said something like, "You're gonna make a killing in this industry."


...which sounds rather prophetic when you think about that line.

That said, even if he didn't kill anyone (which may be unlikely given how he was so agitated during most of the night), he still wouldn't be able to escape the charges of intruding into Buddy's house and torturing him. Dawn has an alibi---she could prove she didn't come over to Buddy's house until about midnight. She could prove she wasn't one torturing Buddy.

On the other hand, if he killed Buddy, the (fictional) Hollywood world would've lost a producer, and Guy's Hollywood career would most likely be over. Not to mention, 'self-defence' wouldn't be an excuse in that case, because even though Buddy did crap things to Guy over that year, at least he didn't punch him, give him paper cuts on the tongue, pour hot sauce etc. He still wouldn't be able to pin the murder on Dawn, because as I've said, Dawn has an alibi and can prove that she wasn't the one who did it. Plus, there's most likely Guy's fingerprints on Buddy's gun, to prove that he was the one who pulled the trigger.

The only way out for both Buddy and Guy was for Guy to kill Dawn. I also think his illusion of Dawn being this nice young woman was shattered, by the time he learnt that she had risen up the Hollywood career ladder by her 'other' talents, if you know what I mean. If he killed Dawn, he and Buddy could just pretend that she was the one who was torturing Buddy, and they could both claim that Guy was the one that came over at midnight to deliver scripts, and pulled the trigger on Dawn to protect Buddy. That was the cover story that Buddy and Guy most likely told (although that is not in the film), and that's the cover story that Jack (the guy who comes into Guy's office at the end of the film) says.



Spoiler warning?

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!


are so rite, that is a bad oversight by me. i am so sorry.

i fixed it

behold, sublime genius:
