Favorite Lines

I was really surprised not to see one of these here already. I love this movie and think it has some really clever lines. Kevin Spacey is my favorite actor and a lot of his movies have some great lines but this one "Takes. The. Cake."(-line from "The Big Kahuna"). My personal favorites are:
2.)"Equal blue. Sweet n' Low pink."
3.)"Way it goes."
4.)"They have helicopters don't they?"
5.) "Give me Mindy's nuuum-ber" (that's mostly in the delivery though).


Guy: "Isn't Lean dead?"
Buddy: "Don't every say that. He's just unavailable."

When you look at this film it is not the lines that are that great. It's the delivery.


Buddy "You are nothing! If you were in my toilet i would'nt even bother flushing it!"





Uh, can I say that I like all the lines by Buddy?

"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself"



he was just so very mean and funny.

loved it.

luv ya,

God Loves You.


Uh huh.

"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself"


It's all really funny until you have a boss similar to Buddy and the parallels just make you cry.

But my favorite line was when Dawn asked Guy why he's putting himself through this hell? What is it about movies...? And he says, "Memories." I think that marked the only silver lining in this tragedy.


"You're happy! I hate that!!" Nothing beats that


Shut up, listen and learn

"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."



Buddy: And when you're done with her, west lobby, tube dress, stiletto heels, hurry. Fetch!

hee hee hee - I've had that *exact* experience. Amazing what unattractive executives think they have the right to, just because (technically) they could help some bimbo's career...and more confusing is that the Universe allows it to happen :::shrug:::

Oh, and my fave line from the movie is my sig...

"Well, I'm not allowed to take lunch, Buddy doesn't believe in it."



Save that candy stripe sh*t for the Wall Street wimps


"See, that's the trouble with your *beep* MTV, microwave dinner generation, you all want it now. You think you deserve it just because you want it? It doesn't work like that! You have to earn it. You have to take it, you have to make it yours. But first, Guy, you need to decide what it is you really. want."


"You're happy--I HATE that!!"

Kevin rocks. He can take the crappiest line or most boring film and turn it into comic gold. Like this movie--this film was good but flawed, though with Kevin Spacey in it, it's suddenly a huge cult film and every other line is quotable. Notice how every single response (so far) on this board is a line delivered from Spacey. This guy rocks.

Current Favorite Song: "Trouble"--Cat Stevens


And now try to follow me, because I'm gonna be moving in a kind of circular motion, so if you pay attention, there will be a point!

I'm sorry, I don't speak monkey...


Sometimes it's what Buddy does that's funny. Like when he tells Guy to hold all his calls but then Guy tells him that Stella called. The look on Spacey's face was priceless.

The other is when he won't allow Guy to go to the bathroom but then pours himself a glass of water.


"I don't think your yelling is neccessary" when Buddy is mocking Guy.

"Boo-hoo. 'My wife died. Hold me. Love me. Fu ck me'".


What's the line, it's something like: "If you haven't .... by 20 you have no heart and if you haven't turned establishment by 30 you've got no brain"

As mentioned before, "You're happy, I hate that" is the best line.


To Xander007 : click the Quotes button under Fun Stuff, it is there:

"Buddy: Look, I can appreciate this. I was young too, I felt just like you. Hated authority, hated all my bosses, thought they were full of *beep* Look, it's like they say, if you're not a rebel by the age of 20, you got no heart, but if you haven't turned establishment by 30, you've got no brains. Because there are no story-book romances, no fairy-tale endings. So before you run out and change the world, ask yourself, "What do you really want?"
Kevin Spacey's deliverance and timing and all IS great, but give some credit to the WRITER (and director) George Huang also OK?


Buddy to Dawn after she arrives at the scene:

"Listen, honey, I don't think you understand the situation. Once you get past the "Oops, he caught us" stage and realize we're both *beep* let me know, OK?"

Buddy on Dawn's escapades:

"What happened to standing by your man, Dawn? Oh, that's right. You don't stand by your man; you stand ON them as you climb up to get to the next one's bed."

"(Dawn) used to be quite the little *beep* Fresh film school grad who *beep* her way to top assistant desk, *beep* her way to junior executive and then *beep* her way to VP. It was quite a rise."

"She forgot about things like honor, dignity, and respect - words that a one time two-bit tramp could never afford."


ah, yes delivery is always a kick...especially when Kevin makes us laugh with his wit. that's proof with a line (that's a tad sexist) that goes:

Avoid women directors. They ovulate. Do you have any idea what that does to a 3 month shoot. I meaan, do I have to say more? NEXTTT.



"Out! Out! Who do you work for?!"

Trust me, i'm a doctor.
