spacey's best role ever?

i predict a lot of you will disagree HUGE with that, but it's what i think.

yes i know am beauty, usual suspects, seven, glengarry G R, others.......... but i think he was more consistently harsh and acid in this role, with more even acting, than in other roles.

maybe it's because of how the character was written...... hmmmmm

what you fellas think?

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


i agree ltum. his best. i say that for this reason. i found him almost difficult to watch at times when he was in one of his narcissistic rages against guy. i felt uncomfortable. i wanted to get away.

in my opinion, when an actor produces a reaction like that in the viewer, it's something very very rare (for me at least) and a sign of some really, really good acting.

by the way, when the movie opened with the voiceover and the dead body i had an immediate thought--this is like a modern day sunset blvd.! did you make that connection? as the movie unfolded it was clear that buddy is norma desmond and guy is joe gillis. on second thought, maybe dawn is joe gillis.

enjoyed it. :)


wow... yes, great eye, plat. i bet it was fashioned after sunset...

i bet so.............

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


I agree =D


No I agree.



Criminally unknown and underrated.


Wait a minute... who am I here?
