MovieChat Forums > Swimming with Sharks (1995) Discussion > Kevin Spacey: excellent performance

Kevin Spacey: excellent performance

I think what I loved in this movie more was the performance of Spacey throughout the whole movie. But my most favorite part was his monologue he delivered to Guy about "Life's not fair? Suck it up" that turned into the recap of his wife being murdered. It was an excellent transition into a near crying breakdown that is very hard for actors to pull off in the middle of a monologue. I even pulled out my sound recorder and tried to do the monologue like Spacey and messed up with that transition.

Anyway, everyone put on a great performance, but Kevin Spacey shined.


"Way it goes."

Agreed. I think it's one of Kevin Spacey's best performances. And not only that part -which was mentioned- was great, almost of his lines were amazing and -don't forget- hilarious.

Rollo Tomasi.



It was a great performance. It must have been so hard for him to do that half cry - trying to act tuff - angry thing that he does so well. :)


Well, he's just the best :) It's my fave film with Spacey in it :)

Sid *Yer so utterly pathetic, Sid, absolutely pathetic. You should be in the fking Rolling Stones!*


he's great in everything!


No, unfortunately Studman_Productions, he's not great in everything. Ever watched that crap "21" or that huge stinker "Edison" (or was it "Bandits")?! Or were they just bad decisions of awful projects he was in, because man those two titles stank big time...


yeah but spacey is always great in those crap films


So you forgive him. Allright, it's always good to see him then.

Well, he pulled me in to see 21 and man was I disappointed. The other one was when I was hanging out with a bunch of guys. Never watch a movie with a bunch of guys, I knew that (I speak for myself). LL Cool J and that skinny singer Justin Shakinglimbs or something, enough said: POS movie garuanteed. But then I saw The Space was in it, so thought O! then it must be good. Well it wasn't. Edison was awful beyond words.

It angered me, why is this man in such awful projects? I liked him on the BBC a while ago. He was promoting his theater in London. I think they were doing Cloaca, a dutch play (translated of course). Maybe that had something to do with it, he needed the money?

In February 2003 Spacey made a major move back to the theatre. He was appointed Artistic Director of the new company set up to save the famous Old Vic theatre, The Old Vic Theatre Company. Although he did not undertake to stop appearing in movies altogether, he undertook to remain in this leading post for ten years, and to act in as well as to direct plays during that time. His first production, of which he was the director, was the September 2004 British premiere of the play Cloaca by Maria Goos (made into a film, Cloaca (2003) (TV)).
He's been in numerous great films. His presence and his deliverence are always noteworthy. You can see he started out as a stand-up comedian. He is great to watch, good energy.


what are your top 3 spacey movies?


Well I agree with IMDb's Biography

Deemed more of a "character actor" than a "leading man", he stayed on the periphery in his next few films, but attracted attention for his turn as beady-eyed villain "Mel Profitt" on the TV series "Wiseguy" (1987). Profitt was the first in a long line of dark, manipulative characters that would eventually make Kevin Spacey a household name: he went on to play a sinister office manager in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), a sadistic Hollywood exec in Swimming with Sharks (1994), and, most famously, creepy, smooth-talking eyewitness Verbal Kint in The Usual Suspects (1994).
Maybe you could add The Big Kahuna (1999) to that list. I didn't care much for Se7en (1995) and The Negotiator (1998), I liked his effort on Albino Alligator (1996) and Beyond the Sea (2004), but thought L.A. Confidential (1997) was fantastic. I missed Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997); I understood the buzz for both American Beauty (1999) and The Life of David Gale (2003), and The United States of Leland (2003) was a powerful film. On second viewing The Shipping News (2001), K-PAX (2001) and Pay It Forward (2000) lost some of its initial impact. Didn't care to go see the Superman film, and his Famous Dr. Evil ('Austinpussy") was funny.

Top 3? Hard... I'm no expert (what is yours!) I think maybe:
1. Swimming with Sharks (1994);
2. L.A. Confidential (1997), and
3. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) (because it was written by David Mamet and the fact that he was with his idol Jack Lemmon) over The Big Kahuna (1999) (I hated his co-star's constant chuckling...).




True: great lines, great delivery - Kevin Spacey shined.

Spacey claims that his interest in acting - and his nearly encyclopedic accumulation of film knowledge - began at an early age, when he would sneak downstairs to watch the late late show on TV. Later, in high school, he and his friends cut class to catch revival films at the NuArt Theater. The adolescent Spacey worked up celebrity impersonations (James Stewart and Johnny Carson were two of his favorites) to try out on the amateur comedy club circuit.


I absolutely agree.

He is a brilliant actor. You never know he is in a movie because he becomes that part---Consenting Adults, Outbreak, The Usual Suspects, American Beauty...

He is an actor that you never see in tabloids or magazines because he's actually TALENTED and will be remembered for his work!!!

Just log on to or just do a

Browser Search:{40123719-8B9B-12AC-1636-0A71B5E6EAE7}&q=kevin+spacey



You'll see how truly gifted and someone who was born for acting.

Also, if you have a chance watch "INSIDE THE ACTOR'S STUDIO" James Lipton's interview!



Sometimes I find Kevin Spacey a little hammy, "actorly" and slightly smug. I mean I haven't seen him give a bad performance but I watched The Big Kahuna and thought it was just an average play that had been self-indulgently turned into a film (he was one of the producers). But then I watched my DVD of Swimming With Sharks again after a few years and I realised I'd forgetten just how good Spacey is in this film. Although Buddy required a lot of bluster (yelling insults from a script isn't that difficult for an actor), Spacey really made his verbal abuse cutting and cruel but he also managed to show some humanity behind all the arrogance and manipulation. This time I really wondered if the story about his murdered wife was made up, but I think it was probably true, when he wept at the end of it, it didn't feel like crocodile tears.


You know, as much of a prick Spacey was in this film, his "realist" type of character are the ones who make or break our society. Yes, it is easy to hate, but it is harder but more rewarding to learn to love him. For what he does, producing, he does very well.

Too bad this movie is really obscure. I have not found anyone who knows of this film. There's no murder until the very end, there's no car chases, no space aliens, so even for back when it was made it would have been quite difficult to get people to go see this thing. What a shame. Spacey was really amazing.


Great performance.

I'm reviewing the situation
