MovieChat Forums > Species (1995) Discussion > haha - who the hell gets attacked by a s...

haha - who the hell gets attacked by a squirrel?

lol - has it ever happened? In history?

For me in the midst of an already silly movie this was just hilarious. WTF!


Once I was eating lunch in my car and my friend was throwing fries to the squirrels outside, and we were suddenly viciously mobbed. Barely got the windows up in time. Squirrels were all over the car, looking super p.o.'d, making mad chittering sounds. So maybe she'd been eating fries earlier.



your pic and your post in the thread go awesomely together!!

Was it a squirrel that done took your eye?

can you imagine?
an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?


Clark Griswold did in Christmas Vacation....LOL


Dr. Doom from the fantastic 4

Also Thanos The purple guy they sho at the end of all the marvel movies.

can you imagine?
an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?


A couple of summers ago, as my friend Arthur and I were leaving the house we had a crazy experience with a squirrel. As we walked outside the squirrel approached us. It seemed friendly so Arthur bent down and was talking to it and making a clicking noise. As we stood up to leave, the squirrel ran all the way up Arthur's leg, it's a good thing he was wearing jeans. We were screaming and laughing hysterically. I backed up into the house and Arthur ran into the garage. Neither one of us wanted to go outside again, we even thought of calling the police. We couldn't stop laughing at the situation, two adults afraid of a little squirrel. Arthur finally gathered the courage to confront the beast. He wrapped his jacket around his arm and made a run for the house. We got some bread and threw it out the front door while we slipped out the back. I knew that would probably encourage it to return later, but we had to go to work. That evening I asked around the neighborhood and found out the squirrel was raised by a family a couple houses down. They had trained it to do some tricks, like running up legs. If Arthur stood still it would have perched on his shoulder. They returned him to the wild, our yards,when he got big enough. I hope the little guy made it at least long enough to have a family of his own.


You f*cked with the squirrels morty now we got like 5 minutes before there backing up in our a$$ morty. We have to pack up and move to a whole new reality again mortym I said we could only do that a couple of times but we fu*ked over here cause of the danm squirrels morty.
