Barbara Stanwyck Movie

Does anyone know the name of the Barbara Stanwyck movie that Kyra Sedgwick is watching when Jamie knocks on her door? It looks like a western but I can't seem to figure out the name...


Check the IMDB memorable quotes section for the Barbara Stanwyck film "California" -- it's the same dialogue.


Thanks! I looked everywhere but couldn't find the title... it never occurred to me to look based on the actual dialogue.


I haven't seen "California," but I suspect it's a better film than "Something to Talk About." Showing a clip of an old movie is a gimmick in films that's becoming more and more common -- and in most cases, it's a mistake because often, I'd rather watch the other movie.


i went to california's page. where do they share quotes? california quotes STTA quotes

are these quotes of which you speak supposed to be verbatim?

People call it a Cul-de-sac. I call it a Dead End
