Need to Know Song

Did search, reviewed on soundtrack but could not find the song in the movie. Watched this last weekend with girlfriend and she is hung up on song during sex scene when ANS is on bed. Something about going to sleep with a visionary, take me to the moon, etc. Anyone knows who sings this? Want to download it.


'Become The Night' by Victoria Levy. I've been looking for it (and the other song in the movie by the same singer) for years myself. There doesn't seem to be a download available anywhere.

"Now take Berwhale the Avenger, go upstairs and wash your hands for lunch."


And, after six years, I present you the link!


Very nice, thank you. Didn't know it was that short.

Still leaves the other Victoria Levy tune.

"Now take Berwhale the Avenger, go upstairs and wash your hands for lunch."


It's on the same website:


Ha, you're right. Much obliged.

"Now take Berwhale the Avenger, go upstairs and wash your hands for lunch."
