Still hate that guy.

I just came across a suggested clip on you tube of Full House that included the guy that played Jace (Viper on Full House.) I loved Full House as a kid and liked him as the sensitive musician that knew how to rock, but then ever since he played a rapist, that overruled anything else he did. I know he's just an actor and someone has to play the bad guy, but I can't help it, he makes my skin crawl. Does anyone else have this problem when they see actors playing bad people?


No. Because I know that they are actors who are playing a role. Just because an actor portrays a rapist, that doesn't mean that he's a rapist.

The fact that the actor you're talking about played a rapist in this movie doesn't make him a bad guy. It makes him an actor. You shouldn't hate him because of this. The fact that you do hate him because of a character that he portrayed tells me that you aren't as capable of separating reality from fiction as you claim.

Hate the character, not the person who portrayed him.


You are correct, I have a terrible time separating reality from fiction. I know in my head that things are just movies, but I get sucked in (if the actors/script is any good) and get emotionally involved. Isn't that what they want? And especially when things are based on true stories. Another example was when I watched The People vs Larry Flynt. The scene where he finds his wife dead in the bathtub. I cried. I was watching it with my boyfriend at the time and he's like "ooooh I get to see Courtney Love naked" and I'm like "you jerk his wife just died" and he's like "it's a movie" and I'm like "but it's a super sad scene that really happened" So of course I don't actually "hate" this actor, I don't know him personally, his performance was so real that he brings up very strong emotions and it's hard to separate the face from that. It may not be fair but I think that's part of being an actor. People assume they know so much about you or how you are because of your characters. How about actors that play nice guys and then they have to be nice all the time or the one time they aren't someone will say "that guy is a jerk in real life" Yes I'm just rambling now.
