Great Movie

Just rewatching Fight Club last night brought me back to Fincher films, and of course the first one that comes to mind is Seven, which also starred Brad Pitt.

Two things come to mind when thinking about Seven: one of the the most sick, twisted, and disturbing endings of all time and the feeling in your gut and stomach during those final 10 minutes you got, like you are on a roller coaster you didn't want to go on and now you are at the biggest final drop, like 100 feet up straight down and there's no going back and nothing you can do about it now; you have to experience it and witness it, and your stomach is saying, "no, no, please no"...and then....It's hard to imagine anyone didn't cry or hold back their tears in the final five minutes and that's just powerful.

Also love the montage when Freeman and Pitt are doing their research and due diligence- the way the music is playing, and the contrast between Freeman's older, wiser earthly wisdom and Pitt and Paltrow's youthful naïve enthusiasm and optimism is brilliantly done throughout.

One of the darkest movies of all time is one of the best and most unforgettable. Truly one of the most shocking endings of any movie ever. This and Usual Suspects' endings are easily in my top 5 greatest movie endings all time.

This movie shows that sometimes all you need is style, simplicity, good performances, and a shocking but original ending true to the story to create a great film. It seems as though too many movies today try too hard and forget about getting the simple things right to produce a classic movie. One of the best things a movie or show can do is stay true to itself and be what it is, and Seven is one of those films. It doesn't veer off in other directions; it keeps its' story tight, and I think that's why it's so well-liked.



hello BB fan, i too rated it 9/10. ending was predictable.
