Similar movies

Can anyone suggest some good thriller movies about serial killers(like Seven)? I have already watched Zodiac,the girl with the dragon tattoo, bone collector, the silence of the lambs


If you're willing to go for movies that stretch the suspension of disbelief, I can recommend two Vincent Price films:

1. "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" (1971)-Price plays a music professor who is in a car accident with his wife. He's disfigured and the wife dies on the operating table. Price murders the surgical team taking inspiration from the Plagues of Egypt.

2. "Theatre of Blood" (1973)-Price is a Shakespearean actor who is mocked by theater critics, driving him to commit suicide. However, he survives the attempt and begins bumping off the critics using murders committed in Shakespeare's plays. Trivia note: Price met Coral Browne on this film who would go on to become the third Mrs. Price.

Annoying the world since 1960!


Thanks so much for the suggestions! "Theatre of blood" sounds very interesting,I think iI will check this one out first.


You might also consider Insomnia (2002).

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Prisoners is the one you want to watch. Even better than Se7en imo!


Red Dragon/Manhunter (from the Hannibal series), prisioners, 8mm, not exactly the same tone but you may also like movies based on dennis lehane books (Shutter island, mystic river, gone baby gone)

and while it´s not a movie, you should try true detective season 1


8mm is definitely worth a watch, it's pretty dark like Se7en.


The Horseman


Memories of Murder (2003) for sure need to check out.


Watch a playthrough of the videogame Heavy Rain, it's like an interactive movie inspired by Seven.


That sounds beyond awful...
Playing through it was enough of a slog...never mind WATCHING someone else play it.


Set the youtube playing speed at 2x.
