R rating

Why is this movie rated R ? I follow the ratings really closely because I get scared easily . I am not a kid or I don't have one . I just have had bad expiriences with violent movies , I watched forrest gump I couldn't stand to go to a certain grocery store because a guy who worked there didn't have a hand . or clean and sober scared me . I am the girl who posted on the forum " how does it end"? lol.


This movie is rated R mostly for sexuality. The sex scene between Hester and Dimmesdale is a bit graphic. Not the most graphic ever, but certainly not suitable for PG-13. There's also quite a bit of nudity. You see Hester's breasts and butt, Dimmesdale's penis, and Mituba's butt.

The violence in the movie isn't extremely graphic, but it's also not suitable for PG-13. I don't know how graphic you want me to go with the detail, but you do see blood spurting. If you get queasy at violence, I suggest you don't see it. If you want to compare it to something, it's not the most violent, not as violent as say "Braveheart."
