MovieChat Forums > The Scarlet Letter (1995) Discussion > Who's sexier?Dracula or Dimmesdale????

Who's sexier?Dracula or Dimmesdale????

I have pondered this question for a long time!The swimming scene when he's all wet and naked>>>WHEW>>>When he's young again and in London when Mina sees him on the street.....I love my Fantasy world!!!!!!

"You're going to end up eating government cheese and living in a van down by the river"<Matt Foley>


Escially the part when he's just about to sacrafice his life for Demi and his hair is blowing in the wind....


Imdb must agree because It's Arthur on his bio.....But,I think I agree with you...Dimmesdale is such a sweet,gentle soul,how could you not fall for that?

"You're going to end up eating government cheese and living in a van down by the river"<Matt Foley>


I kind of don't like the picture from Imdb. I think they should have gone with a more Gary look. But it's better than his Manson Verger look.


Yeah,it's time to update the was good awhile back but that picture is now atleast 10 years old!

"You're going to end up eating government cheese and living in a van down by the river"<Matt Foley>


It's impossible for me to choose between Dimmesdale and Dracula. They're both Gary, after all! :P

If I had to choose, then I would have to choose Dimmesdale. I mean, there isn't a single scene in The Scarlet Letter that he's not breathtaking in!! But young Prince Vlad is breathtaking as well! Both of them ooze sex from every single pore!! I'll take either one!!
My favorite Gary characters are

Jackie Flannery
Arthur Dimmesdale
Prince Vlad
Norman Stansfield
Jack Grimaldi
Ivan Korshunov

in no particular order! I love them all!! :P


Dimmesdale was SO HOT!! The only thing is though, that I keep seeing Zorg from the Fifth Element... who was not hot at all.... which is kind of too bad

Haha is it weird too, that my friend and I think that Sirius Black was a total babe too? A wrinkly dirty one?


I guess it's better than seeing MASON VERGER,YUK!!!Sirius was kinda hot,in a grubby kind of way!But GO as Arthur....I want his character on a poster over my bed!

"You're going to end up eating government cheese and living in a van down by the river"<Matt Foley>


I guess I must be weird because I thought Zorg was hot! But, Jackie Flannery from State of Grace was Gary at his finest!


that comment almost made me spew my peanut brittle out!


The Force is my Ally and a powerful Ally it is.
Luminous Beings are we - not this crude matter.


aww jeez... that's hard. but i think i'm going to have to go with young Prince Vlad. i mean when he pops up out of that box and he's all shirtless and pretty....mmmmm...

uh...what were we talking about again? oh yeah.

i love Dimmesdale. but as Vlad he is one of very few men who actually looked good in a top hat. so that earns Vlad extra points. and the part with the wolf and the whole turning her tears into diamonds thing. and he's a prince. i'll take a prince over a priest any day. oh, and of course those ultra sexy cool blue sunglasses.

but then again, its all Gary Oldman so theyre both uber-sexy.

Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese.


He is incredibly sexy in both films. *drools*

Mommy to two little monsters


Man, I watched the Scarlet Letter last night, and I was thinking the exact same thing!! As hot as he is as Dimmesdale, I still think I like Dracula better. I just think he's super sexy playing evil....


Gary's sexy as both, but I think Dimmesdale is sexier. He's one of my ideal men!

"Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin'"- Ronan Keating (I Hope You Dance)


In my opinion, Dracula was just overacted ... I didn't like it at all and definitely wouldn't call him sexy. But then again: perhaps a mystic figure has to be overacted?

And Dimmesdale? The sexy thing about this character is his mental strength. Throughout the film you're not always sure if he will keep this strength, but in the end, he definitely finds it again. So the main issue about him is not his sexyness, but his final pureness. And after all: Hester Prynne fell for him because of his mental qualities and their common interests, not because of his body (but, to be sure: intelligence as well can be really sexy!)



You know, I would have to say Dimmesdale. I mean, that part in Dracula, where he sees Mina on the street, "See me...see me now" I just love it. He's just breathtaking. You would think it wouldn't get any better than that, but Dimmesdale...

I think the appeal with Dimmesdale is that he's much more realistic a character, maybe? He's not so overacted. As Dimmesdale, he just looks dishevled, and well, human. I think that's what wins me over.

As much as I love Gary Oldman in Dracula, I would have to go with Dimmesdale. I'm watching it now, and I'm just smitten with him. Always have been.


Dimmesdale was the reason I fell in love w/Gary in the first place.

Madame Bovary: The original Desperate Housewife.


Dimmesdale of course, he was hot...too bad the character is a priest, kinda ruins it for me though :))))


having only just finished watching "Scarlet Letter" and being a long-time fan of Dracula, im rather hard-pressed to say ^_^() in all honesty i adore both Vlad and Arthur. so far, i think these two are my fave GO roles (and ive seen several). ooh, that man gives me such delicious chills, i tell you! :D he pulls off his character so bloody wel, its actually kinda creepy lol yay for Gary!


Dimmesdale of course! You get mesmerized by his blue eyes in the Scarlett Letter.


Oh my, Dimmesdale......whew, that man is amazing I must say before the Scarlet Letter I'd only seen the fabulous Mr. Oldman as my favorite HP character. Seeing him as Arthur has made me quite the fan, actually just got done reading a 15 page bio that was wonderful with the details.
The only thing I 'pfft'ed at was the harsh image of SL. Why is everyone so dead set on hating this movie, critics I hate them, give me a naked Gary Oldman with long hair and killer lines and I'm good. No offense, but screw Nathaniel Hawthorne's version, really I plan on reading it but it will depress me and I'm quite the sucker for happy endings, that's why I like this movie so much.

"May you be in heaven for a half hour before the devil finds out you're dead." Irish Blessing


Oh, I hear you Mikayla. All the "fire and brimstone" of Hawthorne's original is great for the mindset of his audience at the time, but these days... not so much. This is one of the few times that I believe a movie far outshines the book it was based on. But then, I'm also a sucker for true love and happy endings... so yeah :D


In the movie novelization for "Bram Stoker's Dracula" by Fred Saberhagen, it is cited that Mina and Prince Vlad 'tenderly, humanly, quietly [make] love' after Vlad confesses his true indentity to Mina, who decides to still love him anyway, in spite of what he'd done to her best friend and husband. So, Oldman's other character gets a love scene as well, even if it wasn't featured in the film. This scene might have been featured in "Bram Stoker's Dracula" if not for Winona Ryder's 'no-nudity' clause in her contract, but the love scene in "The Scarlet Letter" gives us an idea what that scene might have been like.


I totally agree with you. Everyone keeps saying that this is a terrible movie but I just watched it for the first time today and I simply adored it! I am a sucker for happy endings too and I love seeing two people who love each other find each other and stay together. I loved this movie's ending and am very glad that the producers chose this one for the film. I've read the book for my English class about a month ago and hated it! The book was the terrible thing in my opinion and frankly I'm sorry that I read it at all. I love Gary Oldman and the roles he's been in. Some of my favorites are Prince Vlad, Sirius Black, and Korshunov but now that I've seen the Scarlet Letter, he's sexiest as Arthur Dimmesdale no question about that. Though Prince Vlad does have that charm when he first meets Mina on the street and when he spends time with her. I love Arthur's deep blue eyes and his character the best though. I am such a sucker for romance!!! :)))))
