
Why was this character even "concocted" for this movie? Seriously.....there was no point in it. Why was she "bathing herself" when Hester and Dimmesdale were rolling around in the rice in barn?


Totally agree. Was just thinking that. Whatever it was, it was distracting instead of adding to the story.



agreed her character served no purpose & she was kind of creepy. The peeping, the bathing, the bird & the candle? what was the point?


At least the name came from 'Tituba'; the historic slave whose tales of witchcraft were the catalyst for the doings that led to the Salem witch trials. She's also a character in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible".



Can someone explain Mituba's death? Who killed her? How did they kill her? And what did they do to her face?

Haven't read the book in years (not that it helps in this situation), but I think I must have zoned out for a second. They definitely crammed a lot in, so much so, that you couldn't blink or you'd miss it.


Mituba never appeared in the book. She is a canon foreigner. She is based on Tituba, a slave on The Crucible.


That is the part I realized why this movie was lambasted during its original run. It's trying hard to be provocative and sexy when it looks silly. A lot of the acting is campy for the most part;Oldman avoids it most of his performance. It's a beautifully made movie though. And I thought John Barry's score was amazing.
