MovieChat Forums > Sailor Moon (1995) Discussion > Adapting a live action movie, Part I - M...

Adapting a live action movie, Part I - Middle School or High School?

As a part of a regular series, we are going to discuss what it would take to make a successful live action adaptation of Sailor Moon including character changes, casts, languages, nationalitys, ethnicities, music, composers, etc;

Part I - Naoko's classic story centers around very young, teenage girls. These girls don't make it into the equivalent of high school until the fourth story arc (not even counting the movies). The pertinent question here is whether a live action movie (or series) needs to center around older girls or younger girls. Specifically, what age would you make the girls and why? What is more relatable?


I think it's far more interesting to make them younger girls. They should be no older than 16. In the anime they start out 14, and I'd prefer to stick to that, though I allow for a bit of wiggle room. There are certain girls who become overly confident when they are 16-18. Sailor Moon particularly has to be unsure of herself and clumsy. There comes a point where if the girl is too old this is just sad and not endearing.
By having them younger, you allow time for a couple sequels to be made while the actors are still young and you don't have to have them in college in the second movie.
High school characters are generally played by people in their 20s and 30s. If we cast the roles as 14 year olds, it helps get younger actors to give it more authenticity.

Mamoru is in college. Yes, teen girls may be totally enamored with older guys but American society may not want to encourage relationships with such vast age differences. This may mean having to change his age.
Similarly, some may object to the notion of 8th grade girls dating at all, but certainly the idea that they've already dated high school seniors (like Mako did) would raise eyebrows.
I'd want to accurately recreate their henshins, and even though the naughty bits are not seen, how do you deal with the nudity or semi-nudity? Especially when using young teen girls? You run the risk of things being considered child pornography or something, which is insane.
Similarly, putting 14 year olds in those tiny skirts may lead to backlash about how Sailor Moon is just one more thing "sexualizing our girls".

So if they had to be a little older, I'd begrudgingly go along with it, but I'd rather they not be, at least for a first movie. In a sequel, that's fine. Also, there's SOOOOO much out there about high school but not nearly as much that follows the awkwardness of middle-school. Like many adolescent superhero stories, Sailor Moon is as much about the awkwadness of adolescence as anything else. Keeping them young in that confusing period of life helps that.


"I've always admired atheists; I think it takes a lot of faith." -Dr. Joel Fleischman



Um... is it statutory rape if they never have sex?


"I've always admired atheists; I think it takes a lot of faith." -Dr. Joel Fleischman



Nobody wants to see a bunch of 13/14 year old girls in mini skirts.

Here I disagree. Though there may be some complaining of the "sexualization" of young girls if they did (which I mentioned above), I was thinking about this and young girls who are ballet dancers or figure skaters where tiny mini skirts and nobody thinks anything of it. And what about cheerleaders? Since the Senshi only have mini skirts when they are transformed, I think it counts as a uniform and wouldn't be seen as creepy.

Besides, 13/14 year old girls ARE going to school these days in miniskirts.


"I've always admired atheists; I think it takes a lot of faith." -Dr. Joel Fleischman


Starting them off in middle school would allow them to show more growth. These characters really mature a lot mentally. However in live action it might look a bit silly and icky for them to be believably that age. I would just go with them as freshman personally.

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


I know that I'm coming into this late, but it just so happens that I have opinions on all or most of the issues you bring up. From "middle school or high school?" to "what about gay characters?" I have my two cents to throw in (well, only one cent on music, but I'll try to find something there).

Yeah, OK, we can make them freshmen. I'd prefer "last week of middle school," but fine, frosh will do.

Whether we have to make Mamoru a high school sophomore or he can be in college might well depend on where the show is set. If it's in Tokyo, well OK in Tokyo frosh girls sometimes date college freshmen. In fact, in the dub he was in college, and Serena was in junior high (as middle school was called in the grand old days... of the 1990s). So maybe this isn't as big a problem as we're thinking. It's not like they have sex on screen or anything.

Certainly, ALL of the Inner Senshi should be within a year of each other.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart
