MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > What happened at the end?

What happened at the end?

I was unable to finish the movie. The last scene I saw was after she moved in to the safe-area and had her first group encounter, she was outside (or in a screened in porch-like area) and a woman from the group came up and asked Carol if she was having and attack. Can anyone detail what happens from that point onward? TIA

Assume **spoilers** below.



Well you didn't miss much.

Basically nothing gets resolved and she never leaves the institute. She is never cured and instead decides to move into a room which has pure oxygen in it.

Her husband and son are presumably left to fend for themselves forever or until her they can't afford the treatment bills no doubt!

All together a rather disappointing film and quite tedious.


Thank you for that thoughtful reply. I basically gave up on the movie at that point, as I realized that it didn't translate into 2006, from what... 1995? "Sick Building Syndrome" et al. have been a part of our collective lexicon for years, and for the whole movie I was expecting a "twist". Well, there is no twist; it's just that. Maybe in 1995 that would have made an impact on me, but in 2006? Meh.. I've seen too many X-Files to find this movie interesting.


"as I realized that it didn't translate into 2006, from what... 1995? "Sick Building Syndrome" et al. have been a part of our collective lexicon for years, and for the whole movie I was expecting a "twist". Well, there is no twist; it's just that."

Hmm, perhaps you should continue reading more threads around'll find that many viewers don't think Carol had any actual physical 'illness' at all (i'm one of them).

If you don't take the film so literally, I think you'll find a very substantial socio-cultural commentary instead of a mundane disease-of-the-week movie.

If I came away from this film seeing it as a story about 'environmental illness' I would have felt 'meh' too, but it's much much more than that.


IMO the subtlety was lost in the last half-hour of the movie. The most blunt events that belie her anguish were her hyperventilating when the girls were opening the gift and the very last scene. She was always looking for attention and obviously wealth didn't help her achieve that objective. Otherwise a decent movie.


"And isn't Julianne Moore really quite a wishy-washy woman? I've never once seen her be a gutsy character."

Go rent 'The Hand That Rocks The Cradle' and then get back to us :)


Or "the Big Lebowski"


boogie nights


...or "Children of Men".

'It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?'
'If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.'


As for Ms Moore playing wishy washy characters-What?!
Ever seen "Short Cuts", "The End of the Affair" or "Far From Heaven"?


I'm sorry, but I have to add one more that really stuck out for me as Julianne Moore playing a strong character. How about Clarice Starling in Hannibal?


Or Magnolia


What happened at the end?

My insomnia was cured!



she got her own little house lol
