MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > Did not like-slow and boring!

Did not like-slow and boring!

Did Julianne Moore have an enviromental disease or did she just want out of her depressing life? I will take the latter as the answer. She was depressed with her life and subconsciously found a way out instead of addressing the real problem. Slow and boring. A few scenes held up-the group therapy session near the end was compelling.

Julianne Moore gave a good performance, as usual. But I found the movie pretentious and too long.

4 out of a 10.


Carol was sick due to an environmental illness, no question about it. The point of the movie isn't to make you wonder if she's faking it, subconsciously or not. By your logic she should have simply gotten proper treatment by a psychologist, and her nosebleeds, bouts of hyperventilation, and trips to the ER would be solved.

Although I will admit it drags at times, this film's message is so ambiguous that it's impossible to consider it pretentious.


The film is rather minimalistic, but I think it's too it's advantage. It's too easy to label something "slow and boring", not all movies are paced the same. If you don't have the patience for certain movies like this, then you shouldn't bother watching them.

There's also absolutely nothing pretentious about this movie, Haynes treated every character with absolute respect and although there are characters that gossip about one another, it seems as if they generally care about each other and nobody is condescending, and the camera is not only respectful but completely appropriate.


Yeah, I think it's the worst movie I watched in a long time. Extremely long and boring. I usually like the stranger and what people call "artsy" type movies too, but this one was sooo slow. But by the ratings here on imdb, a lot of people disagree with me. It reminds me of some of the horrible movies shown on the Lifetime Network or something. The only good thing I think of about the movie is that the characters seemed pretty realistic.


I love the pace of this movies, but I guess its not for everyone. The stillness and isolation in the film is dipiciting life as Carol sees it. I find the perm scene and birthday party scene excrutiating and painful, yet nobody is really saying anything that bad. Its the atmosphere that is created, the one that is apparently killing Carol.
Its pretty clear that there it no environment illness, but she is certainly not faking it. She doesnt even understand it, but it would appear her body and mind have given up.


I agree it was easily the most boring movie I've ever seen.


After probably my third or fourth viewing more than a decade ago now, this film immediately lodged itself as the best film I've ever seen, and that has not budged in the intervening years. I used to be able to watch this 4-5 times a year or more, but I'm pacing myself now to only watch every 3 to 4 years or so."Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place."-from Picnic at Hanging Rock
