MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > Have you ever experienced an Environment...

Have you ever experienced an Environmental illness?

Maybe its hypochondria, but that's a mental disease. When a person collapses on the floor in a seizure and begins to heavily bleed and convulse, like Moore's character did, I don't consider that to be a psychological disease. Sometimes I feel I am negatively affected by my environment, even though I am a little OCD about cleanliness and wash my hands 10,000 times a day and yet I recently went through a months long illness where everything around me irritated me and it got to the point where I was stuck in bed all day for weeks, confining myself to my home fearing that any exposure to the outside would cause further damage. At first I didn't want to believe it, but the fact is, at the first sign of getting better, going outside simply made me even worse. Its ironic that I see this film at the same time I experienced my illness. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
