Missed the end

I missed the end after she gave the speach what happen'd and what was the film about what was its morals what realy was wrong with her was it just the stress of everyday mondaine life getting to her what?


It didn't really have an ending. What happened after what you saw is that she walked back to her igloo cabin with Chris (The man who signed up to cook lasagna with her), he said goodnight, they stared at each other for an awkward moment, he asked if she was OK, she said yes. He left, she went inside the cabin and was hyperventilating for a moment.

She went to her oxygen tank and took a long breather. She then stood up and slowly walked to the mirror on the wall. She looked to be in horrible shape, her face had big blotches of red, and she looked sickly. She stood in front of the mirror (You don't see her face in the mirror, essentially the camera is the mirror, and you are staring directly at her).

She says "I Lo--" and then she takes a breath, and says "I Love You," pause... "I Love You", presumably to herself, and then the camera stays on her for a very long time, at least 30 seconds. It gets awkward, I was looking around like, tell me it isn't going to end here, and it does.

The screen goes immediately to black, much like No Country for Old Men, and it's over. Credits roll.

I gained no insight from the ending that I did not already have. I am not sure what was wrong with her, but it became clear that it was not in her head by the end of the movie. Just one look at her face was enough to tell me she really did have a type of disease. I don't know what. I don't think the viewer is supposed to know or understand. It's just open-ended.

Hope that helps, almost 3 years after you asked. :P

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It's ok he didn't deserve an immediate answer.


This whole thread is full of LOL. And I just contributed to it. Yay me.
