MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > Dunning....a very calm Hitler

Dunning....a very calm Hitler

"I stopped reading newspapers and watching the news. You should follow my example." What a scary and manipulating individual.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


off course, that was what I was thinking too.
everybody says: oh no, we will never let that happen again!
but they allow 'group therapists' as him to have a free card to fool around with the heads of unsure patients
this movie did NOT make me happy AT ALL


Well, it was never Hitler that came to my mind when he was on screen, more Jim Jones, David Koresh or any other similar leader of a small cult. I suppose Hitler is what could happen when one of these guys gets control of a whole country, so the connection isn't 'wrong,' just not the first touchstone I came to.

What an amazing performance by Peter Friedman, though.




I just re-watched this movie, and a cult leader was what came to mind...someone collecting big bucks for imposing his off-the-wall philosophy and banalities to a group of vulnerable people. Remember the scene where Carol points out his luxurious house on the hill to her husband? I was dying to find out more about this guy, but one of the beauties of this movie is its ambiguities.


Most memorable line from the movie.


Th guy loudly and clearly identified himself as 100% manipulative, oily, banality-spouting fraud from the very first moment he opened his mouth. Just punch the c-cksucker in the nose and drive away. Right then, right there. Unfortunately our poor heroine lacked either the necessary insight or enthusiasm to do that. It does seem she`s f-cked for good.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


He makes a joke about stealing everyone's belongings too in the beginning. It kind of makes you at ease that he seems to have a humorous demeanor.

Except he wasn't joking.


The Peter Dunning character reminded me of Jim Jones. Accepting and loving of everyone, shunning the outside world, providing a utopia, but there's an underlying treachery that makes your skin crawl.


I agree, the character reminded me of Jim Jones for sure. Psychologically manipulative and creepy, but charming enough to lure weaker individuals into a cult. There was nothing outwardly criminal about him in the sense that he was doing something illegal, but his hypocritical stance on material possession and the cultish control he seemed to be cultivating strongly indicated some sort of nefarious purpose. Basically, it looked like it was all going to end badly, but it's hard to say how exactly.

Is this your homework, Larry?
