MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > Wonderful Julianne

Wonderful Julianne

My God ...

Isn't she truly amazing in this role as Carol White? I've seen it three times now - and she just gets more and more astonishing. I'd love to discuss Julianne and the film with other fans if anyone's interested ...

Really, I can't think of a better actress working today who could have invested so much into this part. I thinki she is extraordinary, amazingly talented and gloriously beautiful.


Yes, I fully agree. Safe represents another astonishing performance from Julianne Moore, who is quite possibly the greatest working actress in America today. The fact that she wasn't even nominated for an Oscar for this film is a travesty (though I could say the same thing about Vanya on 42nd Street or Magnolia). She looks so ghostly and skeletal as the film progresses and Carol gets sicker, and her absolute dedication to the role is astounding. Her intensity here is chilling to watch. I have huge admiration for this woman.


I'll ditto all the glowing comments about Ms Moore and this performance in particular :)

She portrays so much of her character simply through the way she holds herself and the halting, almost-awkward way she moves - 'unsure' in almost every aspect. She also does a wonderful and subtle job with her voice I think. The cadence and pitch....she literally sounds like a little girl (which makes it kind of disturbing imo)

If anyone ever questions Julianne Moore's acting skills, I always tell them to watch her bold and confident turn in 'The Hand That Rocks the Cradle' and then watch 'Safe'. Even after seeing both performances dozens of times, I still find it astonishing that it's the same actress.


Great point. She does communicate a lot of Carol's experience through her voice, gestures and body language - in fact she has to, because Carol isn't a terribly articulate person.

And you're right: the frail, passive, almost "unformed" Carol White is a million miles away from the brashly confident and high-flying Marlene in The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. Moore's range in wildly different roles, and the equal conviction she brings to them, is one of the reasons I always love watching her on screen. She's an unpredictable actress who always manages to surprise.


And THEN watch "Freedomland." Moore is astonishing.


I think this is her best role to date. She is amazing in the film.

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


Safe is the most beautiful movie ever made. I'm so happy Julianne was in this. She was perfect in this film. Probably her best.


I just got done watching this film this morning and I agree - Julianne Moore was terrific!

Cast Away...It's like Forrest Gump, but on an island.
