MovieChat Forums > Safe (1995) Discussion > I Am Going To Be Mean About About Julia...

I Am Going To Be Mean About About Julianne Moore...

Sorry, I just can't stand her. When Revlon used her in their beauty ads, I wrote them and told them if they thought she was a face they wanted to represent beauty , they should close up shop. She is not only ugly, but in no way an example I would follow for beauty advice. I know she was playing the role of a sick woman either physically or mentally or both but I couldn"t find any sympathy for the character because even her voice was ignorant. Her poor maid! If she called Juvia's name one more time , I was gonna smash my TV in ! She even looked stupid when she coughed. I kept laughing each time she would have an attack. I couldn't help it. When she was driving and started to cough from the fumes, I thought I was gonna lose it but at the baby shower when that little girl was on her lap and she started to have trouble breathing she looked so ridiculous and hideously ugly, all I could do was lmao ! I have never thought this woman could act , she's definitely fugly and there isn't one movie or show that if you took her out of it someone would care. They wouldn't even notice because she brings nothing to the screen.


So for a long time you haven't been able to stand Julianne Moore, you think she's ugly and can't act, and you still chose to spend two hours watching a movie that has her as the lead and in pretty much every scene. Wow. That says more about you than you said about her.

-- TopFrog


Wow. I am so glad I read that. My every opinion about Julianne Moore has now changed. Thank you, thank you so much for that OP.



By the way, the maid was "Fulvia."


I used to disilike her too. I couldn't ever put my finger on why exactly.
It's not that I think she's ugly, but there is something about her that really turned me off.

Then I saw The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio and really enjoyed her & the film, and so thought I'd give her another chance (I mean it's not as if I've seen THAT much of her anyway) but if I saw her name I'd be open minded about the film.

Then about half an hour ago I put this film on, and have had a complete relapse!
So far I can't stand her, or the film and I'm switching it off.

My TV, Films & Standup -


I couldn't disagree more.
She's easily one of the best actresses of the past 20 years and I find her absolutely stunning.
She's 50 years old and looks as gorgeous as ever.
She gives one of the best performances I've ever seen by any woman in Todd Haynes' Far from Heaven.
It's a shame some of you feel the way you do, but I guess we each have our own opinions.

I just think she's superb.
Easily one of my favourite actresses.

I see a mansard roof through the trees...


The OP is really Julianne Moore. She has self-esteem issues. She should get some help.


She need to look in the mirror and say: "I'm good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"


I wonder sandifay62... was your comment even funny? It comes out of left field and makes no sense.

I see Stupid People...


Perhaps if you had seen the movie that this thread is about you could get a clue, and then perhaps you could understand the complexities of the joke.

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


I've seen Safe or I wouldn't have been here.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


And yet, somehow the context of the joke still eludes you, how strange. How is it going through life being completely oblivious to the obvious, must be nice some of the time.

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


Did you make a joke? It must be a nice ego boost (for you) to come out of nowhere (I've never spoken to you before) and imply you made a joke that I don't get. Good for you.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Julianne Moore is an actress playing the role of a very banal housewife with no exceptional qualities. She's supposed to annoy you in a way.

I think she does a remarkable job in this film playing that character.

I've also seen her play extremely sexy, sassy characters such as the one (the names escapes me now) in The Big Lebowski.

She gets a lot of work as an actress working with some of the world's best directors. Are you suggesting they are all wrong?


Julianne Moore is an actress playing the role of a very banal housewife with no exceptional qualities. She's supposed to annoy you in a way.

Yes! Exactly!


I think this is called 'projection.'


Ok wow you are definitly crazy. She's such a great actress and she is stunning.

-“In life, It's difficult to succeed, but it's even harder to maintain this success.”- Naomi Watts.


So, in a nutshell, the OP is only capable of feeling sympathy for people he considers beautiful and whose voice isn`t "ignorant", whatever that might mean. All he could do was lmao!

Interesting message.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Well put.


No way man
Ill tap dat all day


Sorry, I just can't stand her. When Revlon used her in their beauty ads, I wrote them and told them if they thought she was a face they wanted to represent beauty , they should close up shop. She is not only ugly, but in no way an example I would follow for beauty advice.

I hope for your sake you get help sooner rather than later.
