MovieChat Forums > Sabrina (1995) Discussion > The Turd Gets The Girl

The Turd Gets The Girl

The turd got the girl but 50something people dont change. They lived happily ever after? Crap! There's only ever room for one person in a narcissist's life. Once the thrill of the catch wore off, he'd dump on her.



You're right, wise, it takes a turd to know one. I think this movie is a lot better than he thinks.


50something people dont change
I don't buy it either. He's been in love with corporate power his whole life, to the point where people don't even know what his sexuality is (except Sabrina's father ). Now we're supposed to believe he's suddenly a different person? The thought of him being happy with his new life eludes me.


Well I think the whole point of the movie is that everyone changes a little bit.

Sabrina grows up and learns to tell the difference between her childhood fantasies and reality.

David learns responsibility and how his reckless actions have had negative effects on women in his life, his family, having a career, etc.

Linus learns that he was taking TOO much responsibility, overcompensating for David's lack of it, and trying to fit the family mold. I think that during the course of doing his "duty" in removing Sabrina from David, that he realized those things about himself and his lifestyle. Of course, I don't expect that he'd make a perfectly smooth transition from his old life to the new, but that is the beauty of movies, it ends on a happy note :). I'm sure that Sabrina would help him join the world of the living.

I don't think Linus was evil, or in love with corporate power, as much as he didn't know any other way to live. Now that Sabrina opened his eyes, he wants to experience actual life and not just work.


Excellent reply and great points, bnbailey-1. It's giving me some things to chew on. Among other things your post made me think more about how David was essentially making an effort at being less David-like and a little more like Linus. I knew that before, but I'm better able to wrap my mind around the possibility that he was making a legitimate effort to think more of others than himself. That said, the way he was written (at least in this version) gave me reason to believe he had feelings for Sabrina which were unique enough to him to make him change his lifestyle, for her sake and for his... if that makes sense.

I think there will always be people who love or dislike how this film ends, because quite honestly it can go both ways. Plus it seems there's a preference from viewers based on age gaps or whether they were Ford or Kinnear fans before seeing this film. I actually love the film even if I don't fully accept who ends up with whom. There are so many other aspects about it which are brilliantly done.


Uhh, the sexuality thing was more just childish gossiping on the servants' parts.

And what's weird about it? He's ONLY known love for money and power. Why exactly is it so bizarre to think that something as great as real love would change him? Don't you guys ever watch romantic comedies?

IMDb is not a fansite, contrary to popular opinion!


why u mad?

dont be a hater


Linus also states earlier in the movie that he had been "following in someone else's footsteps" - this shows his awareness that he was doing what was expected of him, and also shows he's willing to do his own thing, if he ever gets the urge, and feels he is able to. He could see David had clearly taken care of a lot of things, and Linus probably felt he would be able to hand over some of the business reigns.
