not a good movie?

I was gushing to a friend of mine about Robert Downey Jr. and he stared at me, ubelievingly. "You like that guy?" he asked me. "He's terrible. He RUINS movies."
I stood, immobilized by shock and horror for a while, but when I regained motor control, asked him about it and he said that RDJ ruined this movie, which is the only RDJ movie my friend's ever seen. Now, this is one of the FEW of his that I haven't seen. I was planning on watching it, but if it's really that bad...? should I? Is RDJ good, bad, in between, etc., in this film?
Thank you!!!

My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you.



I have this movie on tape and I can't even rememeber RDJ's role in the movie. As a person who alternately admires and loathes RDJ, I can definitely say he doesn't ruin Richard III. Give it a shot.


WTF??? Robert Downey Jr. is great!!! See KISS KISS BANG BANG



I like when he get stabbed through the chest (best part of the movie...hysterical)

*So what? Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.*


Please remember to warn of spoilers, ZetaFanatic13.


SPOILER - he comically gets stabbed through the chest and it is mighty funny.

*So what? Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.*


I didn't recognize him, but he was a stand out for bad acting. Such a stiff voice.


Yes, let's not spoil a play written hundreds of years ago.


I don't think he's a bad actor, but I just saw this, and he was absolutely *horrible*. His accent was bizarre (sort of a half-hearted attempt to match the English setting), and he was outmatched with Shakespeare's lines - it all just came off totally unnatural and forced. He didn't have a very big part in this, so he couldn't have really ruined the movie, but he did ruin his lines.


Elisabeth and her brother are supposed to be outsiders at the English court - that's why McKellen's version makes them Americans.
So behaving unnaturally and making bizarre attempts to fit in is, in my opinion, a completely appropriate way of playing Rivers.

Okay, it doesn't work for everyone. Spectator responses to acting tend to be very personal.

- Are you classified as human?
- Negative. I am a meat popsicle.


He did almost ruin this one. Of course, while I love Anette Bening, I think she did an awful job, too. The scene (perhaps her first) where she's shouting at the dinner table was horribly done. Unfortunately, I think some actors/actresses don't understand early modern English well enough to deliver their lines well, and RDJ and Anette Bening fall into this category.

The good news, however (sorry to spoil it) is that he doesn't live to the end of the play, so other than his crappy performance and the cheesy falling shot at the end, it is a great film.


I wouldn't say that RDJ ruined this movie. He's a good enough actor, but when he's side by side with the likes of Ian McKellan, Nigel Hawthorne, Maggie Smith, and Jim Broadbent, he's simply going to blend into the background. I thought the same could be said for Annette Benning in this film. She's a good enough actress, but she she simply could not hold her own against all these magnificent people. Neither of them have the presence or the ability to pull this off. Their roles are small enough, however, that they do not "ruin the movie". They are simply minor annoyances.


As someone who generally likes Robert Downey Jr. I'd have to say he had the weakest delivery of anyone in this film. But he's outweighed immensely by the other actors.



People have opposite feelings about a film or an actor. Oh noes!
