Ace (spoilers)

i was kind of annoyed when Lance Henriksen got what i was expecting to be a bad mutha character - only to be revealed as a gloating liar with a hazardous trick-shooting ability. i guess he was cast as Ace to fool the audience into thinking he was a major player, but still..

check out Dead Man to see another cowboy Lance character.

side-scrolling beat'em up database.


I also expected much more out of the Ace character and I was very disappointed when it turned out he was a liar and not nearly as good as he claimed to be.



Keep it in perspective, he may have lied about those men he killed but that was a REALLY difficult trick shot he pulled off. Even shooting off the girl's finger, he wouldn't only been off by two inches at most. I thought his character was really interesting, his costume and guns great, he should've lasted a little longer.


He is seen as a buffoon and a braggart, whom Herod deeply resents and detests. Herod totally cleans him in the gunfight. However, to Ace's credit, he does show 'bravery' by entering the contest. If he was a coward, there was no way he would have risked being shot by joining the gunfight. That part is not explained. Perhaps we are supposed to assume that Ace really did think he was the greatest, only to have his delusions shattered quickly by Herod.



Not to defend the villain Herod, but where is it shown that Herod caught Ace in the bluff, before the clock strikes? In fact, in the scene, I don't see any clock striking. It looked like a gunfight without a clock, though of course, it could be implied that they used the hourly chime to start drawing.

Herod simply was far faster than Ace, the showman and braggart. There's no question of Ace being his equal, right or left handed. Only Cort and the Lady wee capable of taking down Herod.


I said this in another post, but remember The Kid shot Herod in the neck meaning a few inches to the left and Herod's dead. The Kid was just as fast as Ellen and Cort but obviously his flaw was accuracy.


There's always a bigger fish! ;-)


Also, it looks like Herod even allowed Ace to draw first, before shooting the gun out of Ace's hands. There was no question of Ace trumping Herod at all.


I thought it was great when Ace discovered that Lois Einhorn is really Ray Finkle. The reaction was priceless.

You will know you have done this correctly if one or more nipples are exposed.


Remember, laces out.


I wish that Ace was in the film more than he was. I was really hoping that Henriksen would've been a badass in here. But Herod did away with all the badass actors so to speak like Keith David & Lance Henriksen.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
