sleeps with the kid

after she comes into town, and wakes up akmost naked..did she really sleep with the kid or not?


I sure as hell hope so.


They look like brother and sister in this film. Leo and Sharon I mean.



I dont know about brother and sister maybe mother and son! But I read that there was scenes shot of them "together" but when watched back looked unconvincing because of the age gap and similarity in the way they look so they just hinted at it rather then actually showing it. Thats why later on Cort says something along the lines of "am I the only man in town you havent slept with" blah blah blah so yes they were supposed to have slept together.

Truth Is Stranger Then Fiction.


I heard that a sex scene between them was shot to satisfy producer demand, but that Raimi sneakily cut it at the last minute because he felt it was gratuitous...


That sex scene was Stone and Crowe not DiCaprio. It can be seen on the european versions


Here in Europe sex has never been a big issue, in position to in the US, where the curse-words are sexually oriented rather than anti-religious like here.

I remember I paused the hell out of that sex-scene just to see some skin on Stone's upper body when I was 11 in 95..


yeah, my thought is that they "could be mother and son". NOT brother and sister.


I don't believe she did. That was my interpretation.


I don't think so, either. When she wakes up and he implies that they did she says something along the lines of: Last thing I remember you puked then passed out so don't plan the wedding yet.


Yeah no, they didn't "sleep" together.

"Are you HIGH?!?"



I'm pretty sure they did. Anyways, I thought Cort would be more Ellen's type, but I guess the whole 'holy man' angle gets in the way of that. Besides, wasn't the Kid engaged or getting married to that one other chick he always kissed after he won a duel?


Mother and son? Grow up. When a 40 year old man is paired with a 20 year old woman, nobody bats an eye.


They do look like mother and son. A love scene between them in the film would have been ridiculous just like a love scene between gene and Sharon would have been ridiculous. So there's no need for anyone to be over sensitive a play the sexist card (regarding certain posts here).



They do look a lot alike in this movie, especially when they have their hats on! It's hard to tell them apart from a distance.

It's like being inside a dream or something.. There's truth, but no logic.


No, she didn't.


The sex scene that was shot and cut out was between Cort and Ellen, not her and the kid.I believe she does say that he puked behind the bar and passed out.


She did.

In a scene after Ellen won a gunfight, she held the Kid's face with both hands and kissed him on his mouth - in front of his girlfriend too.

There was another scene that hinted it, but I forgot.

Sister and brother. Ellen is around 33-35 and the Kid is apparently 17. I wouldn't call that a 30-something woman "mother" to the teen. There's obvious attraction between them even in the beginning, the Kid wanted to bone her and Ellen, while avoiding his casual flirtings, didn't reject him at the table. She showed favourable attention to him because (1) he's cute (2) he's sweet.

I'm not surprised she ended up half-naked in the next scene in bed.


I guess we will have to just go to the source....

*flashbulbs* *hub-bub*

Reporter Trish: "Excuse me! Ms. Stone! Ms. Stone! Yes, over here! Is it true that the character of Ellen 'slept' with The Kid in your movie The Quick and the Dead?!?!"

Ms. Stone: Why no, no she did not sleep with The Kid."

Reporter Trish: "Thank you Ms. Stone!"

And there you have it.

"There are few things fetching as Stuntman Mike." - Stuntgirl Trish


What's this nonsense? She wakes up and he asks "do you want some more from last night?" and she says "no thank you". Bloody hell she did! And if she says something else in an interview she either remembers it wrong or say it in the defense for her character.


Mother and son is realistic. I'm 35 and my son is 16 .




Initially what I got from the scene was that she didn't, and the kid was just full of hot air. But when I watched it afterwards, it sounded more like he was just giving her the whole male chauvanistic egotrip which doesn't bode well with many women... especially one such as the lady. All his words were doing was attempting to establish a dominance over her, and the way he's saying it is kind of ambiguous; whether it was by him establishing dominance by saying he put his revolver in her ocelot, or establishing dominance by saying he outdrank her. The fact alone that he and she were drinking the night beforehand doesn't say much to suggest they were bonein' and bangin', but the fact that she was sleeping in his bed strongly suggests otherwise. Then again, it could have been the kid passed out behind the bar, and she "stole" his bed while he was out. But how would she know where he lived if he passed out behind the bar? Perhaps he told her before he passed out? Perhaps he revived, and the last thing she remembered was that he did pass out, and the rest is just a blur. Judging from the scene alone, there is nothing to suggest they didn't aside from the lady's distaste for the kid's conceit. And argument could be made that due to the fact that he drops the subject all together after she refutes his claim as a strong hint that they didn't do anything. But I think the point of the scene is that if she did ride the rod, the lady was on top and in control. "Get over yourself kid, I put it to you; not the other way around. Be greatful." Yee-haw.


Of course she did. neither of them probably remember it tho.

She was drunk. She was no angel and she drank heavily.

You guys think she just accidently fell asleep in his room in his bed because she had poor eyesight?

I mean, how can anybody seriously ask this question.

When you have been out drinking with a guy who wants to screw you and you drink so much that you end up in his bed without your clothes do you really think he was praying over you?

Do you think that you would be resisting sex if you were drunk enough to go to his room?

You want to idealize this woman as some kind of Joan of Arc or something. She was just a strong woman who got drunk one night and did something she wouldnt have done sober. End of story.



Then again, they woudld'nt have been the first man and woman to get so drunk that, despite the best intentions, nothing happened except drunken oblivion.

"I have an appointment with eternity and I don't want to be late"




Yeah she might have passed out, like she said, but then the Kid might have did her while she was out. lol


Having a one-night stand doesn't make you a whore...

"Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!"


no it makes you a slut lol ;}


If it 'apparently' makes the woman a 'slut' then what does it make the man? -_-


It makes him a lucky boy, but still deader than a doornail, because he's Leo and he has to die. In. Every. Damned. Movie. He's. In. Ever!

Except in The Man In the Iron Mask because I guess his twin-ness protected him there. And, I suppose in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, since Arnie was just too sweet to die. Or did he? It was too long ago, I really don't remember much about it except Johnny was and still is finer than he's got a right to be.

Oh, and he survived The Beach, but I wanted him to die in that one. Seriously, I was rooting for Tildy to pull the trigger, and when she did, I was pissed with what happened!

Hasn't the man ever heard of the little death? Jeez, he should try it some time, it's a lot more fun!


She woke up in his bed and later kissed him full on the mouth when she won her first match.

Why is this even a question?


Personally I've always though the line 'I sorta won you at poker' implied there had been some action. I've always read it as 'sorta won you at poke her'.


I says yes:

1. The scene where Lady wakes up in Kid's bed he says "Hey good morning, want some breakfast? Or maybe a little more of what we had last night"

2. Cort says "First Kid, now Herod. You're a busy woman"

3. Only reason Kid gets married to the whore is that he felt Ellen was leaving town so he had no other option. "I don't think ya heard me right I said I liked ya!"

4. The kiss after the Kelly fight shocked Kid because he didn't see it coming. Sometimes my g/f kisses me and even though I've done it a thousand times I still get surprised if its completely out of nowhere.

5. If he had indeed simply puked and passed out, how in the world would she had known where he lived in order to carry him home if she just moseyed into town that day?


I always felt they both passed out from their drinking contest and she was the only one who made it to the bed.

She seemed to be still wearing most of her clothing.

She sort of corrects him when he starts bragging in the morning about his passing out, as if to say "stop bragging about nothing, Kid".

But I think they just wanted to keep it open to your own interpretation. If you want to believe she "guarded her virtue" or she just acted like Clint always did:)

Just once I'd like to have someone call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


nah, she's wearing a rather revealing (as far as legs) undershirt. she puts on her clothes while talking to Kid.
But from both their statements I'm not sure if they did or didn't.


well the "kid" was at least a teenager. and boy did he get lucky!




She did.


They didn't. They just had a drinking contest and slept in the same bed afterwards without sex.

When she kisses him after the gunfight with Kelly the next day, you can tell by his face that they did not make love the night before.

There is an unspoken message here it’s f.u. Leave me the f alone!




No, she had no intrest in anyone in the town. The kid however amused her. They spent the night drinken and after he puked and passed out, she brought him home.
As for how she knew where he lived, he probaly mentioned while they drank. She ended up there because she was probably too drunk and tired to make it back to her room.
Remember she was totaly shocked when she woke up there and he was totaly shocked when she kissed him after the fight. Considerding his gf the readhead was there.
As for his bragging he probably doesn't remember what happened and is banking that she doesn't and hope she makes the same mistake twice. Plus his ego won't let him admit that all they did was share a bed.


In my opinion she did nothing more then sleep in the same room with him.He did not have sex with her.Her response about all he was doing is pukeing shows that that she crashed there and nothing more happend.


She possibly has a one night stand, and that makes her a whore? Seriously? Oh I forgot, it wasn't her wedding night and what not....give me a break people. I'm not saying go around sleeping with everyone in sight, but I think people need to stop judging others so harshly.
