Is Thomas an angel?

Is Thomas an angel or a prophet? Or just a human?

There seem to be a lot of lines in this movie which would make you believe the other angels (i.e. Simon and Gabriel) have known Thomas for a long time.

I wish I could remember some of the lines off of the top of my head but I can't. I seem to remember Lucifer saying something that would indicate Thomas' angelic nature.

Anyway, any insight would be appreciated.


I just watched it on dvd. Lucifer tells Thomas what would happen if an Angels faith was tested, like Thomas, and he didn't understand. I took this to mean it was indeed an Angel and Lucifer was directing him to tap into that unknown power to defeat Gabriel.


Yeah, that's one of the quotes.

That is how I took it, as well.


Actually, that quote means that, like Thomas misunderstood, so the angel misunderstood. It does not mean "an angel like Thomas." It was poorly worded, is all.


No, he's just a man. He was studying to be a priest, but began having prophetic visions of the wars in heaven. He lost his faith because he saw too much. His faith was tested, but he did not understand what the test meant, he didn't know how to react to it. Lucifer is only suggesting to Thomas that if an angel's faith were tested in that same way, as Thomas ultimately does in the end with Gabriel, that the angel will be greatly weakened and vulnerable, just as Thomas was without his faith.


You miss the major plot point when THomas tells satan that unlike you angel I have a soul?

SOme people just dont watch movies anymore they wanna read into anything they can and miss the forest for the trees.


Is Thomas an angel? I doubt it.


You guys should do a google search on "doubting Thomas".
That would give you the insight you require into why Thomas was like he was in the movie.

GI:JOE Images -


Hallelujah! *Someone* gets the point ...


I was just about to post that myself, that Thomas was the Apostle, Doubting Thomas.


he certainly kicks ass like an angel..
