
Did he die at the end? What happened to him at the end when he was struck my lightning?


I think he just became energy and went into the atmosphere.


He became one with the cosmos.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Yeah, this was hinted at several times throughout the movie. Mainly when Goldblum is talking to Powder in the cafeteria and towards the end when Powder tells Henriksen's character that his wife simply "went out". Powder literally became energy, he didn't die so to say. One of the points of the movie is that death isn't the end of a life force is more or less a release/recycling, however you want to refer to it, of energy.


I don't understand. Became energy? How?


If you believe that you have eternal Life, then you live forever. However, you don't continue in a physical body, but a metaphysical body or Spirit. God is a spirit and you are made in His image and likeness. In the movie, they refer to the Spirit as energy.

We live in a finite world and we have a hard time understanding infinity. My question to mankind is that we believe in everlasting Life, then why don't we live like it. As Powder said, we cannot tell the truth, because we fear and therefore we have to lie, embellish, exaggerate etc. The Bible commands us not to fear, but we do so because we don't understand that we have eternal Life through Christ Jesus and nothing can take that from us.


Nice post there, but the Biblical teaching is not just that if you believe you have eternal life, you have it. There is a little more to it than that.

To the poster who asked how Powder turned into energy: remember the classroom scene with the light show that he put on? It showed that there was already much energy in him. Later, when he was struck by the lightning, the lightning must have turned him all the way into energy. I guess that's how I see it.


But why did he run into the storm to be struck?


The part of this movie that stuck with me was that our interpretation of him dying was that he was surrendering himself, and that when he did that, his energy spread out amongst those who knew him. That a piece of his goodness went into all of them. That he would live on. A beautiful thought. That those who die don't leave us but that their energy lives on in us.

That's just my take on it, whether it was that or not, doesn't matter all that much to me!


I watched that scene over and over till my parents yelled at me because it was a rented video tape.

" What in the Bio hazardous material is this?"


and remember when he said to jess or whatever her name was---just how long do you think i will let you keep me here---it looks like he is being almost threatening like, look at all this distruction i just caused--you can't hold me, anytime i want to go i can push my way out

when really he was refering to leaving in the way he actually left at the end...well, that's what i think anyway. he was saying more like, how long do u think u can keep me here on this earth, grounded like this, or whatever.

Do everything in Love. I Corinthians 16:14 NIV


I think he ran off into the clouds because people could never treat him like a human being and Powder knew that. I don't think he died though, it was a happy ending so i wouldn't think so.


Forget that silly Jesus/Bible nonsense some other posters were talking about.

Remember Powder is shown terrified of lightening. His body is pre-loaded with a massive static charge and he knows an enormous surge of electricity would cause his molecules to separate, essentially transforming him into pure energy (reminiscent of how Osterman became Dr. Manhattan). Plus, because of his condition, he would effectively act as a lightening rod and draw a bolt to him.

When Powder realizes he'll never relate to humanity and chooses to 'move on' by running towards the lightening, he does 'die' in that releasing his body's energy causes it to evaporate, but what becomes of his mind is intentionally left vague. We are meant to infer one of two things: first, he is simply lost, his expelled energy infinitely floating aimlessly through the universe. Or two, his consciousness remains intact, allowing him to observe and influence the physical world.

It's possible that becoming energy is the next step in Powder's evolution (with all his abilities, perhaps he can actually undergo an evolution cycle equivalent to what could normally take a species millions of years). Also, this evolution would be specific to Powder’s condition since evolution is not predetermined, as many films seem to imply. Evolution is merely a reaction to external stimuli and wholly dependent upon what happens to be occuring around us. We evolve to meet the demands of our particular environment, it's not magic. Animals with traits that allow them to survive, do in fact survive, and their genes are passed along. Animals that cannot survive in their environment die and therefore do not reproduce. It's that simple.


Absolutely: it wasn't a death, it was a deliberate transition. He knew he wouldn't actually die and chose that moment to use the lightning to dissolve into pure energy, and leave his isolation and agonies behind.


Wow anyone who wants the question answered just read subzeros post. He pretty much nailed it.

It's hard to tell whether he just spread himself into the universe or transported himself to a higher being that is capable of intellect. I'd like to think he did the latter. He sent himself into the universe.

It's just more badass that way.


All things are energy in one form or another. Break all things around you down to their sub atomic level and it is simply energy bonded together. Everyone understands that stars are immense sources of energy, but realize that the facts are, the entire solar system and indeed the milky way galaxy, and all the planets, and starlets, and life on this planet, was once part of another superstar that exploded. Learn a little something about cosmology, physics, and quantum physics, and you start to understand how all energy is inter-related.


All of what you said is pretty basic and nothing I needed to learn, thanks anyways.
