MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > They sure seem to take Powder's powers p...

They sure seem to take Powder's powers pretty well

If I was in school with a kid who could make spoons dance and come together in a sculpture, explode windows and take several volts of electricity to the chest without dying, I'd be scared s#^tless! I wouldn't be talking to him at all, much less bullying him. I'd be calling a group of priests, the National Guard and/or Mulder and Scully from the friggin' X-Files.

It was absurd yet hilarious how people seemed to just accept he had all these powers without freaking out. Nobody even suggested that he was the son of the devil or an alien or even one of the X-men. It made me wonder if all the townspeople weren't brainwashed pod people or totally nuts.




I also expect people to react more on his abilities, like that should have been national news or something, plus his IQ as they say was off the charts, doctors/scientists would swarm right?

But I don't think I would be scared of him. He's not really scary, he's actually really gentle (and cute tee-hee). If I'd see him do that spoon thingy I'd go up to him and be like, 'oh wow that's awesome dude! can you teach me that?!'
