MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > I had the pleasure of meeting Sean P Fla...

I had the pleasure of meeting Sean P Flanery this weekend

I had the pleasure of meeting Sean this weekend and I had to ask questions about this movie. I watched the movie after speaking to him and then I went back again to tell him how powerful this movie was. I cried for two hours after watching it on my computer because Jeremy Powder Reed was such a gentle soul that was in need of love and because of how he looked, People were so cruel to him,.The bullies in this movie and their callousness gutted me profoundly. It made me want to leap into the movie and beat the *beep* out of all of them. Sean played this part so well and he made Jeremy so believable. Sean said that he is the "most proud of this film" .


Thanks and I'm glad he liked it so much.


Thank you for this post. I absolutely loved this film and identified so much more with Jeremy than I can remember with any other character or person in reality to be honest. Watching this again it makes me wish I knew people like Sean's character. And I obviously have respect for Sean Patrick Flannery for portraying him so immensely, it makes me think he must be similar in order to portray someone so beautifully and wonderfully.
