MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > The film is about nothing

The film is about nothing

I always thought it never lead up to anything other than him being a supernatural freak. The plot is pretty weak & just not much going on. Wonder why this got a 5 rating


Then you weren't really paying attention. It got a 10 from me.


care to explain further



Well, Jon, sorry to suggest another possibility, but this atheist loved it. To me it was a fantasy about possibilities, about honesty and communication, and how we really are all just energy. We are born, live and die, just as our planet was born, is living, and will most likely one day cease to be. We are all related, Swedes, Ugandans, Chinese, Bolivians, all have common ancestors, but we still lack the cultural maturity to get over our differences.
As to the filmmaker's really awful crime, he took responsibility as I understand it, pleaded guilty, did his time. Roman Polanski sexually assaulted a teenager, also really awful. That doesn't make The Pianist any less great a movie, IMHO.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


On the contrary John it is quite scientific... Powder was just a more extreme version of what really are. Our bodies are pure energy and all of those things he was doing would be possible if we had more than we have. All the machines and technology we have created are just a reflection of us with more power. A lighting bolt will kill you because you can't take in all that energy... but you can take in the energy from another human. Sometimes some people generate so much energy that they are able to attract millions of people... And when you get around those people, you can feel their presence because their energy is so powerful. You might not agree with what they are using that energy for, but you can still feel the power.

The messages aren't even deep when you have an understanding of science/physics/ etc. They are just truth (or at least the truth as we understand it now... which is always developing). The fact that it was made by a pedophile can have no influence on what one takes from the movie. If you never knew that you would never think it.

"You've Got to Keep Your Mind Wide Open" - AnnaSophia Robb


That's your idea of "science"? Wow.


I completely agree. I want my two hours back.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I guess you must consider a dying woman's love for her family being expressed to her family when she is unable to articulate it, nothing! I feel sorry for anyone who has become so hardened in their heart.


To me, it was about how a person who is victimized by bullying and prejudice suffers terrible social isolation. It's about how because he was "different" all of these people thought they had a right to control him or dictate to him how he should live. I don't call any of that "nothing".


Maximus Decimus Meridius


Please see a troublemaker when you see him. Just someone who lacks self-esteem making noise.


This film is about how we all are terrible and should strive to be like powder the most perfect person in the world
