Actor's age

Just realised that Sean Patrick Flanery was nearly 30 when this film was shot.


I noticed that, too. He certainly didn't look like anything more than a teenager.


That was the first thing that jumped out at me.


He totally looked 30 in the closeups - pancake makeup reveals every wrinkle, especially around the eyes. This was most obvious to me in the carnival kissing scene, as was the thick stubble under the huge mole on Powder's neck.

The precedent of telekinetic teens being played by slender 30 year old performers was set in "Carrie." Director Brian DePalma once said he intentionally edited out closeups of Sissy Spacek's eyes to keep her as youthful-looking as possible because nothing ages an actor more than their eyes.


When the makeup department spray paints someone solid white, it's hard to tell their age.
