MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > The beauty of Humankind

The beauty of Humankind

Powder represents what we really are - beautiful. It´s one of the greatest films I have ever seen exactly because it shows us as we really are. He went away because he didn´t know how to live in a world as the one we "think" we live in. Powder is the reality, we are the illusion. Sometimes I feel like going away too because I don´t like the away we are living, but I know that I have to be here because I chose to and I have to be myself, one thing that I am not yet, but will be soon. Thank you to Sean Patrick Flanery for his great performance and to the teacher - Goldblum(?) for his happiness.
Paula Vaquero, from Portugal.



I take them everyday on You can take them too. Be my guest and thanks for illuminating our lives with the Light of Your Shining Presence on our Planet. I love You too. Bear Hug

P.S. Go to or - because these are in English and You can be part of this crazyness.


Those URL's go no where.


Don't listen to that other poster, I know what you mean and I know what Jeremy mean about us being all connected. Sadly not all of use want to feel that way, we like being apart and disconnected, why? I have no idea but it is a tragedy isn't it?

I love Powder's innocences so much I would have called him an angel, trying to find his way back to God.


Being connected doesn´t depend on anyone´s will. We are really all connected despite not feeling it or knowing it. We don´t know how to feel that connection because it has to do with the relationship we have with ourselves. We see the others as we see ourselves. To change the world we have to change ourselves. Although it might seem a tragedy to live on this planet, it isn´t. All the problems come with the solution. If you want to learn more about these subjects, go to, or You will be amazed. Have a great 2011.


If it's such a tragedy, why don't you or anyone else who keeps saying stuff like that go do something about it?

Anyway, a real angel wouldn't need to 'find' his way back to God.

Don’t be suspicious of me or I’ll eat yer livers. Arrr. -Brendan Gleeson as Moody.


Anyway, a real angel wouldn't need to 'find' his way back to God.

How the heck would you know?? Everyone often has to find they're way back to God. I'm sure that at one point even Lucifer had tried but it was too late because his ideas and Gods were not one in the same. Hence his rule in hell.

Never presume to assume that only his children on the ground are the only ones who seek his favor when we fall short of what he wants from us.


I understand what you are saying. I agree this film is about how horrible mankind can be and how people corrupt innocence of others. Its about what we are afraid to see in ourselves


at 6.2 here on imdb, it ranks as possibly the most under-rated film of all time


Powder is a movie way ahead of its time. The idea of connection, where we are all one, opening our eyes to see the truth and we are energy are all ideologies of today.

One of my all time favorites.


So it seems, but it has helped many people so far. It was made to help us recognize today, what we always were - connected as one and this is not an ideology, but the truth about us. We cannot see the air we breath, but we keep on breathing. That' s reality and it has always been, despite our blindness. "Powder" prepared the way.
If you wish, visit or or even and you will see what I mean.


The director is a child molester...the movie advocated his pedophilia views.

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


this movie did not advocate anything about pedophilia, you sir are a bad troll.


He was convicted

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.
