MovieChat Forums > Outbreak (1995) Discussion > the guy who coughs in the movies

the guy who coughs in the movies

Is a F'n jerk, he doesnt even attempt to cover his mouth while coughing phloem balls . If i was his chick i woulda left him on the spot.


He doesn't realize how small they are. We are seeing them but not the characters.


But covering ones mouth while coughingis just common courtesy, like keeping your mouth closed while eating, covering your face with a napkin before sneezing or cleaning your hands before a handshake.


Not a lot of people have great manners these days. How about the people who leave the theater not having taken their empty popcorn containers with them, for example?


The moron works in a medical lab, he should know better how easily germs are spread...friggin moron!

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


After the way he got sprayed by sticking his hand into the moving centrifuge, I didn't expect too much from this guy. Especially since he was healthy and thinking clearly at the time, and went downhill from there.


Did it not occur to you that at the point he was in the movies he was fully infected and his brain was turning into pudding? He hardly had awareness of what he was doing. This is perfectly evidenced when he shoved his way through the crowd at the concession stand gasping 'Water'. Your analysis is stupid. Might as well say Cujo should've had better manners.


He didn't know he was going to get sick.


LOL! Agreed with the OP!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


That disease (Motaba) is like Ebola on crack. when i saw this in the theater people were gasping at that scene...



Years old post, but I feel people should know that covering your mouth with your hand when you cough or sneeze does not contain pathogens... at all. Air is very fluid and moves around gaps and you are likely to spread more germs with the hand you just coughed into when you touch stuff with it.
Use a hanky.
