Favorite actor

I have never seen this film, and really have to as LF is a fav of mine. He is so good in CSI, capturing the scientist quality perfectly. I most recently saw him in Akeelah and the Bee, a wonderful, heartwarming film, and he is so commanding and still has this buzz going on under the surface. I also need to see, is it Hoodlum? his gangster film.

I have read many comments regarding age/casting in Othello and would like to address that. Yes, it might help if Desdemona is quite young, so we get the hero worship/fascination with the great warrior/general Othello. But it also helps if Iago is young as well. He seems like a real loser if he is older and keeps getting passed over for promotion, especially the one given to Cassio during the action. However, I agreed with one person who said that LF has 'an older quality', a more mature quality, as an actor which I am sure he brings with him to this role. Also, KB is such a great actor with a real flair for the dramatic, that I am sure his Iago is fascinating. If you think of the wonderful character he created in the Potter films, almost, but not quite, over the top, you see what he can do with a role. And with Iago, a wonderful role, I am sure he lets out all the stops.

Had Othello been made a bit later I would have suggested the actress who played Portia in Pacinos Merchant (also a fine film). She's an american, who studied at SMU (a terrific Shakespeare program) and really keeps up with the heavy hitters in Merchant (Jeremy Irons, Pacino, etc.)

Anyway, Shakespeare wrote terrific characters, great for actors, and when well done his scripts make for engrossing, moving, spectacular films.

"Peace, Kent, come not between the Dragon and his wrath ........"
