Shades of Matrix?

Tonight was my first exposure to any version of "Othello", and I certainly feel the time was well spent. I enjoyed all aspects of the film, but I'd like to know if anyone else shared a (mistaken) observation while watching it: Until the final credits rolled, I was sure that the part of Cassio was played beneath his beard by Keanu Reeves, making this a new collaberation of KR and LF beyond the "Matrix" series. Anyone else make the same association?


Nah, I don't really see it. But if you want to see Keanu Reeves in a Shakespeare movie adaptation, look for Much Ado About Nothing, which also stars Kenneth Branagh.


Not really, but as I was watching this in my english class some of the students couldn't get past the fact that Laurence Fishburn who was in the Matrix films was playing Othello. This kind of ruined it for me because they kept blurting out quotes from The Matrix during the film.
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I know it's been almost four years since you wrote this, but for a brief moment when he first appeared I thought it may have been Keanu Reeves. I realised fairly quickly it wasn't but all throughout the film I kept observing that he does share many features and expression with him. But then again, The Matrix is my favourite film (as is made obvious by my signature) and I tend to find that it's been ingrained in my brain and that almost anything reminds me of it nowadays.

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