Question about the ending.

I watched this for the first time about a month ago, and I have just watched it again on I agree that this brilliantly animated music video is very moving even though it's only about 6 1/2 minutes long. Indeed, the ending is so beautiful that it made me cry, so I was wondering if the two men gave their lives to free the winged girl. If you watch the very end, you will see the car from an aerial view suddenly drive off the road and then stop. Is it assumed that these men die from radiation exposure? If so, then the ending of On Your Mark is both sad and uplifting.

Today's movie is "Track of the Moonbeast." It stars nobody and features nothing.


No, I don't think they die, they just stop to look at her flying away.
I couldn't understand why the first time they fall nothing happened and after that they flew away with that car?


Yes exactly! First thing that occured to me from those differenet flasbacks is that some things just dont happen-the continuation that we see is a wish. I am highly unsure about that, though.

edit: 1)wohoo, I've made a lil' research on the net and it seems I am right. Oh man, I rock bad:D(j/k).


I'm more worried about them being captured by the police that were chasing them than anything else.


I was wondering the EXACT same thing after seeing it!

An interview on OYM with Miyazaki partially addressed this, where M is Miyazaki and I is the interviewer:

I: [...] The angel whom two policemen rescue can be seen as one hope in the chaotic world. Just like the lyrics, "We still won't stop because...", the scene in which they rescue the angel was repeated over and over. After several failed attempts, she flied into the blue sky, leaving the chaotic world, just like a hope. But the policemen were left behind on the ground...

M: It's not as if she was a savior, or they exchanged feelings with her through her rescue. It's just that, if you don't completely give up on the situation and you keep your hope, not letting anyone touch it, and then you have to let it go, you let it go where no one can touch it. It's just that. Maybe there was a bit of exchange in the moment of letting her go. That's fine, that's enough. ...Probably they'll go back to be the policemen. I don't know if they could go back, though. -laugh-

Much is still left to interpretation; does the uncertainty of going back refer to their deaths or the trouble in which they will find themselves upon their return? I would assume that Miyazaki's laughter implies the latter, but I am not completely sure. Either way, relying on authorial intention, in my opinion, can limit the appreciation of a film.

According to the OYM FAQ featured on (, the signs in Kanji in the tunnel to the outside read 'Beware of Sunlight' and 'Life not Guaranteed'. This, coupled with the vehicle that is clearly protected from radiation during the beginning, suggests that it is very possible that the surroundings are lethal.

I believe that the event of their deaths would add depth to potential interpretations of this short 'music film'. I am still working on this significance, though :P. Hope that helps!


Thanks a lot! I have visited, but I've never taken the time to really read into anything other than the movies I've seen (I guess I don't want the others to be spoiled for me.) I really like this music video, it also has a theme of fanatical religions portrayed by the cult that holds the winged girl captive. An argument can be made that she symbolizes true hope and love and not a part of a religion that is bogged down with rituals that sometimes fail to place emphasis on true good (After all, religion is an institution of man.). Today, we have religions constantly fighting and debating over who is the true religion if God or Allah exists. We go to wars, (so have Christians unfortunately) and we threaten those who do not believe as we do with the concept of eternal damnation. I have my beliefs and I think that everyone is entitled to the same right without the fear of persecution, harassment, and death. I believe in God and I don't think that people of other faiths, and even people of no faith, are destined for an eternity in Hell. I don't think God would do that just because He's jealous as it says in the Bible. Faith may be important, but in my opinion, love for yourself and humankind is more so. I apologize for rambling, but there really are a lot of different messages that you can find in this short, but very engaging music video. ^_^

Today's movie is "Track of the Moonbeast." It stars nobody and features nothing.


Just post a thread here discussing my analysis. Abstract: the cops survived



My impression?

As the two policeman fell to their deaths, they encouraged the "angel" (person of bird) to go and fly.

But that wasn't sufficient to person of bird - so she somehow (and remember this is a six minute video) ended the scenario differently - she did fly away, but allowed the two to let her go gently, and in the beleaguered countryside - kissing her palm as she was released.

A nice death to let her go, instead of a gruesome one.

This should be a movie.
