MovieChat Forums > Now and Then (1995) Discussion > Suprised The Censors allowed the Bare As...

Suprised The Censors allowed the Bare Ass kids Scene

I thought that much nudity by minors in films was something the censors would not allow at least in US released films. Cant remember any other films the past 20 years that had anyone under 18 years of age appearing essentially nude ( no frontal) in rather close up shots. I remember the movie " Little Darlings " had some kids skinny dipping on a lake scene, but the shot was so distant that the images were lacking any detail but in pause mode, you can tell they were nude.


Nudity in minors is more prevalent in European released films, and it was more prevalent over 20 years ago, but . . .? There are a number of movie making tricks to indicate nudity in minors without actually showing the full extent of nudity in minors.

1. Dim the lighting
2. Edit it so little or nothing shows.
3. Position the camera just so.
4. Use an actor over the age of 18 to portray a character under 18.
5. Use a body double.
6. And shorten the length of the scene.

Of course, none of those tricks apply here, nor do most of them apply in this sampling of nudity in minors in films. Where the age of the actor is approximate.

Fool Killer. 1965. Edward Albert. 14. George Mellish. Skinny dipping scene.

Romeo and Juliet. 1968. Olivia Hussey. 15 Juliet. Sex scene.

Friends. 1971. Sean Bury 17. Paul Harrison. Bathing scene.

The Tragedy of Macbeth. 1971. Mark Dightam. 12. Macduff's son. Bathing scene. Full frontal.

Young Winston. 1972. Russell Lewis. 9 Winston Churchill (Age 7) Nude scene.

Tom Sawyer. 1973. Johnny Whitaker. 14. Tom Sawyer. Jeff East. 16. Huckleberry Finn. Skinny dipping scene.

Private Lessons. 1981. Eric Brown. 16. Philip. Sex scene.

Name of the Rose. 1986. Christian Slater. 17. Adso of Melk. Sex scene.

Lair of the White Worm. 1988. Chris Pitt. 17. Kevin. Bathing scene.

Far from Home. 1995. Jesse Bradford. 16. Angus McCormick. Nude scene.

Of course, there are others, both seen and unseen, but these I remember, because they are so atypical, making up about 1% of the films I have seen.

There is one other thing I have never understood. When the majority of the adult nudity is of females, why is the majority of nudity of minors is of males?


"There is one other thing I have never understood. When the majority of the adult nudity is of females, why is the majority of nudity of minors is of males?"

Well that's probably not true but you would think so because young males are who you are attracted to, and therefore that's what you notice most.


Neither. I am neither attracted to underage male nor female nudity, but . . .?! Actually, it is true, as going in blind and watching a film or a show on TV, not knowing whether there is underage nudity there or not, there have been more instances of underage male actors in various states of undress then there have been instances of female actresses in various states of undress, or, so I have found, and again, not because I am attracted to underage nudity. As to why, I have no idea.


It is the way you ask the question that I don't really understand. You sound upset that they aren't showing young girls more than young boys naked since "that is the case for adult nudity". Will men ever be satisfied? It isn't enough that women through the years have almost always been shown fully frontally nude much more than men, I would say by a percentage of 85 to 15% if not more. Yet in the cases where males get shown more or a certain part of a male gets shown more, I see complaint after complaint from men on the internet. I don't get it. The sexes are different and double standards in certain cases are always going to exist for certain reasons. Both men and women have to learn to deal with the short end of the stick.

But overall when it comes to showing actual offensive nudity I would the sexes are pretty equal. Let me explain.

Adult women get shown more because there is more of an appeal to see it, plus it is easier to hide a woman's genitals with pubic hair. So when it comes to actual genitals, men and women get exposed equally. But pubic hair on women is seen more than on men for the reasons I go into above.

But in other ways men get exposed more. A woman's body is more appealing but is also considered more sexual than a man's , whereas male nudity is usually shown in a matter of fact way or for humor. This is why we see men's chests and perhaps even butts more than women's. So even though women are shown in sexual manners more, men might actually get exposed more. Again, the only thing we really see more of on women is pubic hair.

This might also be why underage males get shown more than females. For decades now it has been more typical for boys to be doing activities like skinny dipping instead of girls. How many purposes could a director come up with to show girls naked that isn't considered deviant? Probably hardly any. It is also easier to show boys more naked since they can go shirtless outside. But still as someone said above, child nudity overall is rare, and surely they don't show boys below the waste unless it is briefly from the back right?

I am a prude and I don't care for nudity in movies, especially from children since they don't get to make the decision. Their parents do it for them which is sick. I am equally disturbed by all the nude infants in movies too for this reason. If you want to see another strange double standard, look at infant nudity. They might show boy babies in more movies overall, mainly because males have more important roles and so there are more instances where a newborn baby's gender needs to be shown, usually male. But on the other hand, it seems nude infant girls get shown on screen for longer. I can think of three movies where a girl baby is getting her diaper changed, (2 out of the 3 times by a man), and a huge perverted spectacle gets made out of it, showing the baby's genitals multiple times when it isn't necessary. And in addition to these three movies, there was also a sitcom that did this (Full House) although in that case the baby's rear was only shown but for way too long. I have never been able to imagine scenes like this with boy babies. Maybe it is done because men having to take care of a baby on their own, especially if it is a girl, is funnier. I still don't understand why those scenes are necessary.

So it seems whether we are talking about adults, children, or infants, males might be shown more overall, but it is in matter of fact manners and the scenes aren't specialized and prolonged like they are for females.


Women's bodies are more appealing, so it is normal and expected to show them nude frequently, typically in a sexual context?

Women's genitals are hidden with pubic hair, so it is acceptable to show full frontal nudity of women?

And boys aren't the only children that are active and do things like swimming without clothes. I personally was not a proper little girl that stayed inside in a pretty dress while learning table manners and posture.

Maybe we should discuss how we can eventually get past silly stereotypes, instead of justifying the those stereotypes?


The 1960 Disney film POLLYANNA begins with a bare-assed boy swinging from a rope into the river, just before "Walt Disney Presents" flashes on the screen:
