Corny movie

I like the scene when Amanda first enters the mansion and Mr Johnson says "You have good timing"

She says "You have a beautiful house!"

and I was muttering to myself "You, Amanda, have a very short hemline."

Hah hah hah.... this movie is the corniest. I really need someone else here so I can crack some more jokes. Never heard of this movie. Good thing the Sci-Fi channel is one away from ESPN or I never would've known about this movie.



By now you must know this is a remake of an early Roger Corman classic sf throwaway. This one has its moments, but overall, cheapness rains. What's Belzer doing in this -- one of the drollest comedians in NY history.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.



I found it corny, which is a good thing, but rather dull, which isn't good at all. Kudos to Michael York for his loopy performance, but unfortunately I don't think it was enough to carry the film.


I would love to be directed to some database where I can download this movie.
