I'm from the US, and I am not able to find this on DVD or VHS at all. I just read the book, and I always like to give the movie a chance, so if anyone has it on video, please email me at [email protected]

Thank you,



i'm looking for it too..i read the book by Carlene thompson and it was incredible...i want to see this movie adaption fo it so bad, even if it does have subtitles.

How can we connect in an age where strangers, landlords, lovers, your own blood cells betray?


Hey, you like Rent too...one of my fave's.

I read the book when I found it in the local author's section. I was going to try to go to Charlene Thompson to get the movie, but I thought that would be strange and then I thought that she might not even have it, so I didn't. I've just been looking for it for a long time. I hope someone can help us out.



seems like we have similar taste...rent is awesome lol. Didnt you just love the book? I could not put it down! im going to keep looking, i'll let you know if i find it :)

How can we connect in an age where strangers, landlords, lovers, your own blood cells betray?
