MovieChat Forums > Nixon (1996) Discussion > Fair movie about Nixon, showed faults an...

Fair movie about Nixon, showed faults and strengths. Made him human.

I thought the movie was fair. Seemed like Nixon was a man of contradictions. The splices they put in about his childhood and upbringing were good. The movie did not make him a monster. If you really looked at his policies for his time they were not bad. He did get out of Vietnam, he opened up relations with China, he signed Nuke limitation agreements with the USSR, he created the EPA which has helped improve the air and water supplies all over America. People forget in the 60's and 70's our cities were so toxic people were not even able to go outside on certain days. The EPA has been able to clean a lot of that up. I am not a Republican, but I would vote for Nixon over any Republican out there today. He was a far better president than the sainted Ronald Reagan, whose "trickle down economics" was and still is a huge lie that has impoverished millions and decimated the middle class. ( trickle down economics reminds me of the signs the Nazis would put up at concentration camps - Work makes you free - A huge lie just like Reaganomics ) If you compare Nixon's accomplishments to Reagans, it's not even close. Just look at the budget deficits, Reagan is still the only president in US history to triple the national debt. And as far as crimes ? Nixon tried to cover up a break in of the DNC. Reagan illegally sold arms to terrorist Iran to fund an illegal war in South America. Two huge crimes that resulted in massive deaths. Reagan was funding the same people that raped and murdered nuns in El Salvador. How many people died over Watergate ? And remember, Nixon basically got involved after the fact. Reagan was a good natured movie star that smiled and the people loved him. Nixon was a socially awkward insecure man without the movie star looks. But despite all his faults Nixon was the better man and president of the two.


To be fair, Nixon and Kissinger propped up a dictator in Chile who committed many atrocities. Kissinger even got a Nobel Peace Prize for his troubles. And Nixon's cronies sabotaged peace talks in the Vietnam war so that Nixon would be elected in 1968. And Nixon went on to prolong the war for several years and allow millions of southeast Asians to die, in three or four different countries.

I get that Nixon did some good things during his presidency, but he had a lot of blood on his hands, even when compared to Reagan.



When Nixon took office in January 1969, there was half a million US military personnel in Vietnam. By Election Day 1972, most of them had already been withdrawn. That's one of the reasons Nixon was re-elected by a margin of 17 million votes.

Nixon got us out of the quagmire that Johnson lied about to get us into it.
