collateral, anyone?

this movie reminded me of collateral on several levels.
first, there's a crazy guy who grabs some ordinary dude and forces him into an assassination plot.
then the protagonist's only known [to the audience] loved one is threatened.
the protagonist tries to get away on several occasions, only to get beaten and further threatened.

then at the end, he's like fk you, and he kills the crazy guy.

maybe it's a stretch, but you can see where the inspiration was.


I was also reminded of Collateral - though I must say, I loved Collateral and hated Nick Of Time. This movie was far too implausable, even by Hollywood standards. There was little in the way of suspense and it wasted the talent of two great actors. It might have been saved by a touch of humor but but I think it was probably too lightweight even for that...


I'd say Collateral reminded me Nick of Time, because Nick of Time came out many years before!

I agree there are many implausible things in Nick of Time. What I really liked is that it goes in real time.


Yes, I too noticed the similarities. I loved both films. Although, Nick of Time isn't as re-watchable once you know how everything turns out in the end whereas Collateral is very re-watchable.


You pretty much described the plots of a dozen of hostage-oriented thrillers.

Red Eye, Trapped, Firewall, Butterfly on a Wheel...

Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.


With the difference that Collateral was made several years after this one, so you actually should say that Collateral reminded you of Nick of Time.

However, Collateral is a really good movie while this one is totally implausible.


Thanks for that should make a cool double feature YESH



I see the similarities, but is there a chance "Nick of Time" inspired the latter? I doubt it. Like one of the other posters mentioned, quite a few hostage thrillers share these same similarities. Either way, I really like both of these films.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
