Did Tony really love her?

I was wondering if Tony really loved her and when he found out the "truth" about her??



It's the substitute many mistake for "love"- Lust.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


You can certainly lust after someone you love.

I think he did love her.

Vicious fish bit at your toes...made you lie and numbed your soul.


Absolutely. In this case, love and lust went hand in hand (or perhaps other organs).


haha! No wonder divorce rates are skyrocketing if so many ppl think love and lust can be the same! I don't think Tony loved her very much- he was concerned for her and lusted after her, but I don't think his feelings were that deep because they had known each other for such a short time. Also, he might have been the one who got all those stalkerish pics of the woman. I think he might have acted as a private investigator for the woman's dad.


^DEFINITELY not why divorce rates were skyrocketing. I think they did not show enough of them together to know for certain if they loved each other or not.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation (Eat, Pray, Love)


I 100% think he loved her. Why are all the people on this particular board such pretentious idiots talking about love and lust as if they know so much!?!

If it was lust, pretty sure he would have took off after the first time they did the deed and he found out she is batsh!t crazy..kiliing her own cat and such. He saw she was very, very troubled and said exactly "You need to get serious help" when he finally tells her too.
