Questions SPOILERS

I was wondering why the waitress was killed? I know the killer murdered those whoever were miserable with their lives. I'm not sure if that means those who do drugs or who steal, etc. How can the killer possibly know if the waitress did any of those things? She dressed kind of like a flousey, and wore all that jewelry.
Also, why did Jack want Adrian to come back to the hotel with him and to get away from Gerald and his girlfriend so badly?
I also wonder why Jack scared Dolia so much?

In Jack's mind, how does he disern who is miserable and who isn't; besides one who does drugs or abuse drinking?


Any thoughts??


Well, I myself didn't pick up on the "miserable" angle-I just figured he was killing random people. That aside, the movie is a little gimmicky at times though it's decent so I wouldn't mull over that anyway. As far as your other questions, I took it as Jack, though being a psycho killer, was still conflicted with himself at times. Hence when he tells the girl "get away from me" near the lake or clearing or whatever it was he was trying to withhold the urge to murder her. ALso, when Adrian tells JAck in the next scene "You want to go back to the van, don't you?"
Just my opinion.

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."
