Teacher movies.

This is a long but interesting movie, like a biopic.

Other teacher movies : One Eight Seven (1997), much more sad and violent, only 2 years later !

Also The Browning Version (1951), and a remake in 1994 i didn't see...

This is original, dealing with music (i think there is another one, with Jessica Alba but it's about dance). To my taste, it is lacking a bit of conflictuality, it's somewhat like a fairy tale in good old America...

But i'm not sure hard work can overcome every obstacle in music. For example many folks will never learn piano, because there is a very subtle trick. Music is a deep intellectual process involving as much intelligence as drawing, so.. here it seems a little easy.

"We are the melodies and the notes of your opus", a very nice metaphor of life.


If you're looking for other good teacher movies, here are some suggestions:

Dead Poets Society
Finding Forrester
Stand and Deliver
The Paper Chase
The School of Rock


Up the down staircase





Thanks ! I forgot in my listing before,

Dead Poets Society (1989)...

There are others


Although not technically a 'teacher movie', I'd include

Scent of a Woman

About a blind man, and his assistant. The two eventually end up teaching each other about life.


The Emperor's Club starring Kevin Kline is about the life of a prep school teacher. Like this movie, it is spread across many years.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
Blackboard Jungle (1955)

Choocheechoo choocheechoo choocheechoo ya ya pow!


It's not a "teacher" movie, but everyone who has seen this should also watch Follow Me Boys.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
