What was that?

During Sub-Zero/Liu Kang fight Sub-Zero does this back flip back handspring down the ramp and then Liu Kang does the most pointless retarded jump in the air pump ur fist into the air move. As a kid, I was thrilled to see these guys come to life, now, Way disappointed.


Ha, I've always loved the cute little half punch and yell he does...it's so silly and generally amazing that it made the final cut.

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


The whole fight was weird.

Liu Kang's jumping punch into the air,

Sub Zero generally seeming outclassed by Liu Kang.

And it ending very quickly (the actual fighting only lasts about 50 seconds before the big ice thing) with nowhere near the brutality of the Scorpion and Reptile fights.


Liu Kang does the most pointless retarded jump in the air pump ur fist into the air move.

It's definitely cheesy but I've always liked that part, it's funny to see someone else bring it up.

In regards to the fight itself I agree it was pretty disappointing, especially after seeing the Scorpion and Reptile fights. Sub-Zero should've been able to take a punch better and the element of life crap should've been left on the cutting room floor. It could've ended with Liu bypassing Sub-Zero's ice with a fireball, pretty much anything would've been better than throwing a pail at him.


All the fight scenes are so damn entertaining, that pointless moments like this don't bother me at all.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
